Aspects Meme 23- Swimming in the Buff Girl for shatterpath

Aug 25, 2006 23:27

I've been pondering that writing meme that's been doing the rounds; the one where folks write one sentence for every fic they've got on the go. I decided to change it slightly for myself, writing one line for each of my Aspects Meme challenges... hoping to kickstart the muse after our wonderful holiday.

Anyway, it worked :)

I wrote one line for this challenge and 20 minutes later I had this ficlet.

The 13th entry is...

Title: In Too Deep
Author: mrswoman
For shatterpath who asked for Aspect 23- Swimming in the Buff Janet, in the backyard pool, with her womenfolk (LWM Universe).
Words: 670
Disclaimer: Love them, don't own them, doing it for my sanity.
AN: thanks to darandkerry for the beta read and the lovely suggestion.

ariestess and shatterpath, I hope this fits the universe you have lovingly set up?


Soft bubbles floated towards the surface as a submerged Janet wondered just how long she could hold her breath. As a girl swimming in her parent's large pool, Janet had been the family champion; almost 5 minutes had been her record.

Now, in her very own backyard pool, she glanced down her body, saw her milk engorged breasts, and couldn't stop a low chuckle escaping her lips at the absurdity of the situation. Furious bubbles rocketed to the surface as her laugh increased and, sputtering, she rose to the surface.

Karen Taylor's voice called out in triumph.

"Sixty seconds, Jan, I thought you were a champion." Smiling at her wife, she added slyly, "Bet even Darya could beat that time."

Janet grinned at her dear friend, and knowing full well that Darya hated having her head under water, she was tempted to take the bet.

Instead, she jumped on the tall redhead and, with surprise as her weapon, managed to hold the stronger woman's head under water.

Sputtering, Karen resurfaced as Janet let her loose.

"For that Karen, I challenge you to a submerge contest against my 'champion'. First one to surface has to buy dinner and has to watch the kittens. All of them. *All* night."

Karen looked at Janet's lovers and weighed her options. Sam had just had a caesarian and, although Karen had been out of active service for longer than the major, she deduced, at this point in time, the blonde would be no match for her fitness. Art, although younger and fitter than any of the other women in the pool, was known by Karen to be a relatively weak swimmer. Grinning at Janet, she held her hand out and took the bet.

Janet nodded and swum over to her lovers pulling Art into a deep, breath stealing kiss. Thinking Janet's kiss was evidence that her calculations were correct, and Art *was* the doctor's choice of 'champion', Karen's confidence went up another notch.

She whispered into Darya's ear, "The free meal's ours; there's no way Art can beat me in an underwater challenge."

Her eyebrows shot up as Janet pushed Sam into the middle of the pool.

"I choose Sam as my 'champion'."

Janet kissed Sam's cheek chastely, but the look in her eyes was one Sam recognized; as long as the major could repay Janet's confidence in her, both she and Art would get more than a free dinner as their reward, especially as the evil doctor had conveniently engineered the care of all the children as part of the forfeit.

Sam grinned at Karen. "So, Taylor, still as confident, huh?"

The redhead visibly flinched as the two women got into position, and on the count of three, submerged.

The three observers watched the two Air Force officers through the gently swirling water. Three minutes passed with no signs of any discomfort from either. All three watchers were experienced enough to know that the loser's submission to the water would probably be quite sudden at the end as both submerged women had enough control to hold their body's stillness in the most extremes of discomfort. They knew there would be little sign of the impending necessity for air, until that air was indeed needed, and the body had to surface as a direct result.

Art started a slow rhythmical clapping, unashamedly chanting Sam's name.

Suddenly a sputtering Karen rose and fell into Darya's arms, followed up at a more sedate pace by a smiling Sam.

The blonde turned towards Janet to accept her winner's kiss, sighing when this time around Janet plundered her mouth with the same degree of passion she had earlier taken Art.

Effortlessly gliding the smaller woman over towards the other member of their triad, Sam pulled Art into their coupling. Knowing the night was only just beginning, the three women shared a victorious hug. Art grinned ruefully, silently hoping that both her lovers could repeat their champion breath holding exploits; only this time in an entirely different venue, their bedroom.

meme, fic, lwm

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