Musings on CSI Finale

May 19, 2006 23:23

I don't normally do this but seeing as I've just rambled in ralst's journal thought I'd do the same here.

I've just finished watching the eppy. As a Catherine/Sara stalwart what can one say about this episode... they didn't have a scene together :)

All in all it was a good episode with some lovely touches, and I kinda liked that they had a couple of inconsequential cases going on in the background, life sometimes does have to go on. At least we got to see every member of the team show how important Brass is to them.

Greg's scene: his discussion with Gil about Jim's suit, lovely.

Nick's scene: at the hospital, checking up on Ellie.

Catherine's scene: both her interaction with the Doc and her interaction with Lindsey, nicely played.

Sara's scene: showing concern for Grissom, and then at the hospital.

Warrick's scene: at the hospitl, facing up to Ellie, and how he reacted to that sister of the man who gave up.

Gil's scenes: perfect portrayal of a man who has difficulty showing his emotions being involved closely with something so emotional (and his handling of Ellie was so Gil)

Sofia's scenes: with Gil and Sara, spot on.

So, all-in-all I thoroughly enjoyed it until the very last scene *g*

Which was just so unnecessary, and not because it was GSR, just because. I don't mind the GSR sub-text, I really don't, after all the emotion and the passion we see in the Cath/Sara, hell even in the Sara/Sofia, sub-text is far greater and far more effective. No, that scene was just surplus to requirements. We'd already had the nice gentle Gil/Sara scene in his office, and the glances during the camera duel, that was enough.

This series, which I think has been one of the best if not the best, has provided both the GSR, the Cath/Sara and the Sara/Sofia fans with more than enough scenes as fic fodder, and really should have ended with that all-the-team moment in the hospital.

It was a season finale for f**k's sake, a CSI season finale at that, it deserved a CSI team ending.

Now, *that* scene at the hospital with the team comforting each other, *that* was perfect CSI.

Here's to S7 and more beautiful Cath/Sara (with a hint of Sara/Sofia thrown in) sub-text.


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