I'm at work today. It took every bit of willpower I could muster to come in. I finally dragged my butt out of bed and got a good shower. That helped tremendously!
Took the girls to the sitter's house. She has a 2yo daughter who looks JUST LIKE Amber. They could be twins. It was almost creepy. I know the kids will do well there. I think the clincher was when she had me write down my work number - with a crayon. Reminded me so much of my house. :)
She actually called me a little bit ago b/c Melissa got sick. I gave Melissa her Augmentin this morning, but all she ate was some yogurt. Oops! She
was fine after that - I figure it's just the augmentin. I called the doctor's office to see if he can prescribe something else for her. I like that not only
did she call to let me know Melissa had been ill, she also understood what the medicine can do to a kid (and didn't insist I come get her).
I swear, I'm running out of work here. *sigh* I'm also running out of desire to work right now. I've been a bit depressed (big surprise) the last few days. I'd just rather be home with my kids getting stuff done there. Nesting is starting to settle in, and I have lots to do at home. I'm probably going to cut back to 3 days a week here until I'm done. Things will be even a little more crunched for me financially, but I'll be happier. Not much longer and I won't have to worry about the money stuff.
I was in tears almost all the way to work after I dropped the kids off. It started when some song played that reminded me of my husband (
viper_26). I miss him so much. We did talk online briefly last night, but didn't have long. He has really long days now, and by the time he gets back to the hotel, he needs to crash so he can get up early the next morning. He's hoping they'll put him in the evening class (3pm-11:30pm) so he can get other things done during the day. He's always been more of a 2nd shift person anyways. I know it's killing him waking up at 5am.
Last night, Amber was swatting at the new dog's face. He apparently didn't like it, and barked at her. That got her to stop. I was watching carefully to see what he'd do (make sure he didn't bite) and was glad he gave a warning bark first. So far he's been really friendly.
Oh wow. I just talked to my boss, and it turns out my employment here is officially done on Jan 30. That works out perfectly as far as timing goes, but it's strange to hear it.