Jun 10, 2005 13:33
Yesterday i wasnt to a show at e's house. It was cool except Aunt Flow decided to show up and ruin it. I love craps.
So i got to see mike blair play. In my personal opinian his voice is right on up there with Brandon Boyd. Mark was going to go with me but then the pistons made the play offs and that plan went down the drain. Does any one know how long the play offs last?
And welcome back air-head, im glad you got away from hick town, MI in one piece. And i think everyone who knows you, is proud (or disappointed) that you made it throught high school with out murdering your mother. Personaly, im shocked.
Cangrats to all my freshman who are now graduating seniors. Its seems like only yesterday we were on the feild being bossed around by chris and Jesse.
Oh and just as a side note...I FINISHED MY BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!