Apr 26, 2006 12:28
and i want answers. Am i so scary that full grown men dont have the balls to tell me that they have a problem with me?
I have noticed a growing trend in my life over the past few months. When ever i call a guy to check and see if a romor is true, the romor being that he has a problem with me, im informed 'no! dont be silly! we're fine!' And then i find out a few days later that he is upset with me. Its keeps happening. I heard brad had a problem with me and that i was being banned from a church that when i left i was told, by brad, 'please feel free to come back when ever you want' So being the straight forward person i am i call brad, and then play phone tag with him for a month, when i finally got a hold of him he tells me that there is no problem what so ever. 2 days later i find out im on a list of people who have been banned from e's house. for those of you unaware brad is the pastor of e's house. so i call him again 'oh ya, that list, i forgot to mention it'. The 2 days ago i call phil because ryan thinks we have a problem, phil tells me we dont, then tells ryan we do.
people im not even 5 ft 6 inches. how intimidating can i be? just tell me the truth.