i. the only way to reach her. (video)

Aug 04, 2011 12:51

[ hello adstringendum! right in front of your screen is a roman. or a man who dresses like a roman. yeah. he looks quite tired and concerned, but right now he's doing his best to make a formal impression.

it's not going very well. ]

Um. Hello. [ he coughs. ] I'm looking for someone, she was with me when this all happened so she should be around here somewhere. Safe, I hope.

He name's Amy Pond - well, actually Amy Williams. She's ginger, she's Scottish, she's very lovely, and she's my wife, so don't even think of doing anything to her, because... I'm her husband. [ er. ] A very... good. Husband. With a sword. A very big sword. Right.

[ he then stops for a while, as if an idea comes to his mind. ] And there's this other guy - he calls himself the Doctor, just the Doctor. You can't miss him, he always has this blue police box around and he loves wearing big, bright, bowties.

So if any of them are around, tell them I'm here. [ he reaches to end the feed, but then he stops. in here is supposed to be a filter, but the animus are evil spirits, so it's up there for everyone to see. suddenly he achieves looking more serious, but his voice is less formal now - it's softer. kinder. ]

Amy, if you can hear this - I'm coming. I'm coming, alright? We are going to get out of here, and we are going to find our daughter. I promise.

ic, rare times where you want to see the doc, find wife before check situation, a wild roranicus has appeared!, game: adstringendum

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