iii. three more reasons to live (accidental voice)

Oct 23, 2011 05:14

[ the feed starts off with - nothing. just nothing. no clue on where this happened, and who's it coming from. it's almost as if no one is around, and the recording just started for no reason whatsoever. but then...

the breath of life.

there was a gasp - a hoarse one, as if it's never been used for so many weeks. a throat so dry no one couldn't stop from coughing due to it. a voice finally croaked from stiff vocal chords, a voice from a roman who always comes back time and time again -- ]

Still not used to this.

[ and he and his mun have no epic lines to celebrate his comeback. ]

[ Private to Amy and River Song // Unhackable ]
I'm sorry.

[ Private to the Eleventh Doctor // Unhackable ]
I never blamed you, Doctor. There was one time where I said that I would trust you with my life. I still do.

ic, i lost count, i should get a prize for this, ending angst once and for all, the boy who lived, game: adstringendum

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