Highclere Awards

Feb 08, 2014 07:14

The Highclere Awards have announced the nominations for the fifth and final round of Downton Abbey fic awards. This time nominations were open to any DA fic published since the start of the show rather than fics written this year. There were over 1500 nominated authors and fics across the categories, including a number of friends--big congrats to gilpin25, ju_dou, silvestria, and vladnyrki (and I hope I haven't forgotten anyone--the list of nominations was massive and I might have missed some of my LJ friends)--and I was especially tickled to see Mary/Richard fics dominate the minor pairings categories as well as hold their own in the regular ones, too. I'm over the moon (and the June ;)) to be up for the following awards:

Author: Other Het Ship

Author: Overall

Characterization: Cora (Spare the Rod)

Characterization: Edith (Something Worth Having)

Characterization: Mary (A Girl In Black, Something Worth Having)

Characterization: Sybil (Sexual Relations)

Characterization: Minor Male Character (Evelyn Napier in Something Worth Having)

Characterization: Richard (A Girl In Black, Something Worth Having)

Writing: Technique (A Girl In Black)

Writing: Plot (A Girl In Black)

Writing: Dialogue (A Girl In Black, Something Worth Having)

Writing: Overall (Something Worth Having)

Genre: AU Period (A Girl In Black)

Genre: Friendship/Family (Spare the Rod)

Length: Full Length (Driving Lessons, Who We Are)

Length: Epic (A Girl In Black)

Progress: One-Shot (Sexual Relations, An Irishman and a Scotsman Walked Into A Pub)

Progress: Work In Progress (Something Worth Having)

Progress: Multi-Chapter (A Girl In Black, Driving Lessons)

Rating: T (A Girl In Black)

Sybil/Branson: Overall (Driving Lessons)

Other Het Ship: AU Period (Something Worth Having, A Girl In Black)

Other Het Ship: Overall (A Girl In Black, Something Worth Having, Who We Are, Another Chapter)

To anyone who nominated me, thank you, and of course if you have a moment to vote, I'd of course be very grateful for that, too. ;)
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