Title: A Girl in Black (27/?)
mrstaterFandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Mary Crawley/Richard Carlisle, Cora Crawley, Robert Crawley, Violet Crawley, Sybil Crawley, Edith Crawley, Rosamund Painswick, Carson
Chapter Word Count: 4316 words
Chapter Summary: The wedding is inevitable, but as plans get underway, will Mary have the full
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Oh dear, Robert. As frequently happens on Downton itself he is entitled to be somewhat angry here, and underneath all the blustering he is the one person who asks Mary if she's truly happy with Richard seemingly making all the decisions (not that 'modern' then, Richard;)), while Cora and Violet just want her married and respectable and Sybil seems swept away on a naive romantic cloud. But as usual Robert manages to let his anger out like someone desperately seeking to control matters (and people) again, no matter how idiotic he gets in the process, and so makes everyone side against him out of sheer frustration. Even Carson, though I do wonder how thrilled he is himself at Mary's choice of bridegroom and the circumstances. How much he must think of her to speak up like that.
I do find myself feeling for Edith. Yes, she's been a right so-and-so, but Mary, despite breaking the rules they've both been taught to believe in, appears not only to have come out smelling of roses, but with a huge society wedding and all the attention on top. Meanwhile, Edith is becoming isolated from her family and isolating herself once more, with even Sybil siding against her. It's no wonder she's jealous and sour.
Lots of fun seeing how the Crawleys are coping with all this drama in their very different ways, and some excellent, thought-provoking characterization in this one. Roll on mother-in-law! :)
You know, for all I've railed against Robert, I do actually feel he's entitled to be displeased with Richard, disappointed in Mary, and concerned about how well this marriage will work out in the future--what father wouldn't feel all of those things?--so I'm glad you think his position's come through here. As for Carson, I think he feels exactly the same way and might be inclined to shoot Richard himself if he'd come into possession of one of the hunting rifles. ;) I'm dying to get his honest opinions in somewhere...maybe I'll find a way yet.
So pleased you mentioned Edith, as well, because you seem to be reading my mind with regard to her. Hopefully what I have planned for her wont' be totally predictable. ;)
Mummy-in-law to come soon! Along with the American relatives. :D
Thank you so so much for your thoughtful comments!
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