Title: A Girl in Black (24/?)
mrstaterFandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Mary Crawley/Richard Carlisle, Cora Crawley, Sybil Crawley, Violet Crawley, Rosamund Painswick, Anna Smith, Dr Clarkson
Chapter Word Count: 5239 words
Chapter Summary: While Mary's on bed rest, new instincts stir as she finds herself no longer carrying the burden of
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Comments 10
I loved that Violet and Rosamund are APPALLED that Mary didn't elope with Sir Richard.
I would have eloped with him, lol.
Hee! That was my personal favorite bit. And here Mary had been thinking the scandal to the family would be too great. Thought wrong, Mary! They would just be thrilled she'd be an honest woman. Well, everyone but Robert would be thrilled. ;)
I would have eloped with him, too. But then, if I were Jane Eyre, I also would have happily gone to Italy with Mr Rochester and been his mistress. I have no integrity. ;)
YES, ME, WITH THE CLIFFHANGERS. I can't wait to reveal what's going on with this one. :D
This has kinda become my Downton experience this fall. I haven't had ten minutes to spare, hunting for a means of watching it. I'll just dvr it when it airs on PBS and damn the spoilers.
This is holding my attention much more effectively anyway. Good on you!
In a way, your fic is a great study about how much excessive inner brooding can lead somebody to partial conclusions and foolish decisions.I recall Iain saying in one interview or other about Richard how it's fascinating to work with this sort of character in that time period because we're in the information age now but back then there was neither ready information nor did people just talk about everything. And I think that's an interesting conflict because obviously you've got Richard whose job very much is to report everything, and while he's very honest he doesn't necessarily just ( ... )
Very glad you like how Mary is not only going to fight for herself here, but for the baby. Obviously that's been an underlying theme, and in growing up I wanted her to realize that this is about a great deal more than her. I hope you like how that resolves itself.
As well as the cliffhanger with poor old Evelyn. How can I be so mean to him? ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
You completely had me fooled at the end of the last chapter as to where you were going to go with this. ;) But I do think it's a bit more interesting for Mary to keep on having to deal with being pregnant.
Loved Rosamund and Violet here, and their practical attitudes. Also loved their analysis: it's talk of love, not talk of marriage, that's more likely involved when dodgy seduction is going on!
And now, just when Mary thought she had some familial support for getting Richard back to Downton, he's gone and done something else that's going to get him in hot water with the family.
I so want to keep reading, but it's almost one in the morning and I really should get to bed, heh. Looking forward to more!
I confess I did hope to trick people with the previous chapter's, though actually I did briefly toy with Mary actually miscarrying; in the end I decided she and Richard really never could have recovered from that, because she would blame herself and he would be so angry that she'd lied and he'd had no say about the matter. And obviously I wanted a happy ending for them!
So happy you enjoyed Rosamund and Violet--they were too much fun to write, and really it's all about avoiding scandal, so they'll say anything to get Mary to stop dithering. Though I do think they're right.
And Richard and Mary are always their own worst enemies so I had to let him do something else that shows his ruthless, coarse side. ;)
Thank you, again, for your thoughtful comments! I've really appreciated reading this slew of reviews. :D
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