Title: A Girl in Black (23/?)
mrstaterFandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Mary Crawley/Richard Carlisle, Cora Crawley, Sybil Crawley, Robert Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Anna Smith, John Bates, Taylor
Chapter Word Count: 5614 words
Chapter Summary: Mary attempts to get over the hurdle between her and Richard--both literally and figuratively
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You'll be glad to hear I was so into this I nearly yelled Listen to Anna! at the screen at one point, much like how in the previous one I was shouting at Richard to listen to Frida. Obviously nobody takes any notice of me or Anna, but dear me how those failures to compromise and understand on both parts seem to have come back to bite them at the end of the chapter. One way or another, this feels like a huge turning point.
I still say Matthew's cameo was excellent and I could see the sparks - and not just from the galloping hooves! Seriously, there seemed to be quite a few home truths flying around for various people, so it's going to be fascinating to see where they all go from here and if the words sink in. And that cliffhanger is truly EVIL! Which means you have to hurry up with the next one. ;)
And I'm glad that despite all the dire warnings Mary received that the ending still came as a surprise. I promise not to keep you dangling on that cliff for too long--though it may be next Friday as usual before I get to finish it up. I have a good bit of the dialogue for the next chapter written, though!
Thanks so much, as always. :D
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