Title: A Girl in Black (16/?)
mrstaterFandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Mary Crawley/Richard Carlisle, Gwen Dawson, Robert Crawley, Evelyn Napier, Anna Smith
Chapter Word Count: 4206
Chapter Summary: As the household cope with a death at Downton, Mary is reminded that the matters which concern her are of little importance to anyone else--
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However, I've got a question. I understand you needed Richard out to have Mary fully think about her actions, and doubt a little; and I understand the necessity to underline Richard's passion, obsession even for his work, a characteristic that can break a relationship indeed.
However, I don't think that, as a papers owner, he would have needed to go back to London to write the article himself. Owners used to inspire the articles, give the general outline, use their influence, but left the grunt work to the editors and journalists (choosing the best paper for their project). When Lloyd George became Prime Minister, he used his connection to Max Atkins (Daily Express) who orchestrated the campaign against the government, but Atkins did not write a single line.
Or, since the Balkanic war is still raging, the scandal is too big to be left to a mere journalist, and I'm talking nonsense ;-) Or Richard suffers from typical guy's fright and is running for cover...
That said, I love Mary's reaction, so spot on, and her tendency to see herself as the heroin of a novel.
Very glad you liked the chapter, though; thanks so much for reading and commenting! Your feedback always means a lot. :)
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