Title: A Girl in Black (7/?)
mrstaterFandom: Downton Abbey
Characters & Pairings: Mary Crawley/Richard Carlisle, Violet Crawley, Cora Crawley, Edith Crawley, Sybil Crawley
Chapter Word Count: 3891
Chapter Summary: Following Mary's return to Downton in disgrace, her grandmother, mother, and sisters are all keen to offer commentary on her behaviour
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Comments 8
And what will Mary do next? Hopefully you'll find out on Friday, though I'm a wee bit distracted by Richard's alter ego at the moment.
Thanks so much for your lovely comments!
I'm going to shoot myself, and it's all your fault. ;-)
Edith -- ouch. I can only imagine that she's plotting some way to get Mary even deeper in trouble, since this is S1-timeline. But Sybil is such a sweetie, and Mary must be so relieved to have at least some support in the family.
Now I'm itching to know what Richard has done to the poor editor of the Sketch -- and how Sybil is going to get hold of the Telegraph, heh.
All shall be revealed with Richard's diabolical plots (and Sybil's, too, LOL) soon and very soon!
Thanks for reading. :D
You could write for DA. Period.
"O'Brien told my maid Simmons that when Robert saw The Sketch, he flung it down on the floor. A if he were Moses casting down the Ten Commandments at the sight of the Hebrews dancing around the golden calf."
I can't help snorfling at that. I want to see it, actually.
"Oh, you can still offer her whatever little gems mothers in America bestow upon their daughters on Mary's wedding night. Or whenever you deem it appropriate. But I think what she requires now is some sage English instruction."
Some of my favorite moments are when we get an American dig from Granny. Makes me chuckle here in my wigwam. So, I love that you gave her that little line. So perfect. And of course Mary gives as good as she gets.
Bwahaha! Thanks for giving me a chuckle thinking of the wigwam line. I just adore that one, though Cora has such a rare great follow-up: "And when we come out of them, we go to school."
She wouldn't be Violet, though, would she, if she wasn't taking a swipe at Americans? It's fun to write those as an American, honestly. Unpatriotic, but true. ;)
You could write for DA. Period.
Gah. Best comment ever, darling. Thank you. I'm just delighted you liked this so much. Even if you didn't miss Richard. ;)
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