Drabble: Lordy, Lordy...

Mar 08, 2012 14:37

Title: Lordy, Lordy…
Author: mrstater
Fandom: House
Characters & Pairings: Cuddy, House, Wilson; slight House/Cuddy
Ratings & Warnings: rated PG-13 for innuendo
Format & Word Count: drabble, 234 words
Summary: House knows just how to wish a girl a happy fortieth birthday.
Author's Note: I should probably be banned from writing International Women's Day drabbles for this. But would it be House if he wasn't being offensive? So blame him, not me. For bratty_jedi, who requested Cuddy and the prompt birthday. Because Rachael is having an important day today, too! (Though not the big forty. ;)) Happy birthday, girl!

"Happy birthday, Lisa," says Wilson.

Cuddy looks up from her desk, her thank-you dying on her lips as, over Wilson's shoulder in the doorway, she sees House limping toward her office.

"Yeah, happy birthday, Lisa," he says, his tones as mocking as Wilson's are sincere. "Weren't you twenty-nine last year? And the year before that? And the year before that? And the year--"

"Thanks, House," she interrupts, getting up and gathering her papers.

"But I wasn't finished," he whines. "I have to say it eight more times, because I'm pretty sure you should be turning the big--"

"House, don't--"

"--four-oh this year," he shouts into the hall.

"It's your fortieth, Dr. Cuddy?" calls a passing nurse.

"You're such an ass," Cuddy mutters as she pushes past House and Wilson through her office door.

"No, your ass…"

A light whap across her butt stops Cuddy in her tracks. Slowly, she turns around, her mouth agape.

"Did you just…spank me? With your cane?"

House brandishes it and grins. "And one to grow on!"

"I should fire you. Or sue you for sexual harrassment."

"But you won't," House says. "Because when your ass is forty, it's nice to know a guy still thinks it's worth spanking."

Cuddy turns and continues down the hall to the conference room, trying not to smile at the knowledge that House's eyes are on her the whole way.

character: james wilson, character: gregory house, pairing: house/cuddy, character: lisa cuddy, fandom: house

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