A Year from Now (12/?)

Oct 21, 2011 06:51

Title: A Year from Now (12/?)
Author: MrsTater
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Daenerys Targaryen/Jorah Mormont
Ratings & Warnings: R for nudity and sexual content in this chapter
Format & Word Count: WIP, 3977 words in this chapter
Summary: "Save your tears, child. Weep for him tomorrow, or a year from now. We do not have time for ( Read more... )

fic: a year from now

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Comments 44

anywhere_but_nj October 21 2011, 21:31:06 UTC
Dany had winced at that; her own parents, and indeed most of her forebears, had been brothers wedded to sister, or their nearest female kin, and she herself had passed her girlhood expecting to become Viserys' bride--a thought which repulsed her now, though not for reasons having to do with incest.

Yes, well morality aside, that was a tradition of theirs. The Lannisters found it abominable.
And yes, it’s very repulsive. UGH Viserys.

"Then I must try my luck and appeal to Xaro Xhoan Daxos for ships and hired swords," she said. "My best chance for success may be while the lords of Westeros battle amongst themselves."

Ah, back to the Dany I know.

"A Dothraki army." Jorah gave a curt nod to the wench who brought him a fresh ale. "With such a fearsome calvary at your command, I'd have put my life on your success. Now you talk of merchant vessels and an army of sellswords."

Oohh yes, a major difference.

"Joffrey must be Queen Cersei's bastard," he said, as though thinking aloud, "or the northmen would defend his claim.That made ( ... )


mrstater October 22 2011, 13:33:36 UTC
Yes, well morality aside, that was a tradition of theirs. The Lannisters found it abominable.

Except for Jaime, who's all, "The Targaryens married their sisters, why can't I marry my sister?"

Ah, so Jaime’s not the only one, huh? ;)
It does sound ominous though. In good AND bad ways. He fully admitted his feelings to her, but that kind of devotion can be quite frightening.Hee, I think Jaime and Jorah are rather alike in that way that they'd justify just about anything with, "But I did it for love!" Including destroying themselves. The stupid men ( ... )


anywhere_but_nj October 22 2011, 13:59:12 UTC
Except for Jaime, who's all, "The Targaryens married their sisters, why can't I marry my sister?"

True, and Cersei too. "We shared a womb, why can't we continue that intimacy?"

Dany would feel more for him because of their deep emotional connection.

I agree!


aegisilfar October 23 2011, 05:21:27 UTC
God, Jorah is such a girl. *rolleyes* I do find it somewhat unbelievable, in that I don't think he's really strong enough to resist this. Jorah is a weak person in many ways, including I think re: sex. But I respect your choice... gotta keep the tension going right?? I'm sure he'll be kicking himself in his next pov lol.

I enjoyed Dany's characterization in this scene very much. It makes perfect sense for her to act this way, and to react in anger to his demand that she say she loves him before they have sex - after all for her, sex comes first, then love. That's how it was with Drogo, why not here?


mrstater October 23 2011, 12:34:30 UTC
Jorah is totally all about teh sex, I agree, and I waffled quite a lot about whether to let him let Dany continue with her actions or not. There are reasons for it, and I hope in the next chapter, where he delves into why he stopped her, you'll find his rationale more convincing. Jorah has his pride, too...

Very pleased you think Dany's reaction made sense, though! I've had quite a few readers elsewhere comment that they didn't understand why she acted that way, so I was getting worried that I'd not made it clear! You're totally right about the order of sex and love for Dany; she really doesn't understand about how it can be an act of expressing love from the start--and she definitely doesn't get that men aren't eager for a little at any moment.

Thanks for your comments! So pleased you enjoyed and are looking forward to the next chapter.


phoenikxs October 23 2011, 11:28:10 UTC
Just wanted to stop by real quick and tell you how completely in love I am with your story. Unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of Dany/Jorah fic out there, but your fic makes more than up for that.
Thank you!!


mrstater October 23 2011, 12:35:39 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! I'm really happy you're liking the fic. There is so not enough Dany/Jorah fic out there! I want to read some! But it's lovely to know mine is filling the void for you. Hope you enjoy next Friday's update!


phoenikxs October 23 2011, 12:39:20 UTC
I'm sure I will! It's ridiculous, really, how much I'm always looking forward to your updates.
Do you have any ficrecs that might tie me over until then? I've read all of your stuff, but there really doesn't seem to be much else out there? How is that possible?


mrstater October 23 2011, 12:49:35 UTC
Aw, you've given me a big smile to start my day. :) And I think you're encouragement will inspire me to finally make some real headway on the chapter I've been kind of faffing around with, not really making any real progress, for the past few days. (Bizarrely I find that I have less time to write on weekends than I do during the week when Mr. Tater's at work and I'm home with a 20 month-old all day!)

As for recs, here are a few short pieces some of my very talented f-list have done. They're amazing and you should totally pester them to write more:

A Victorious Warrior Returned by just_a_dram
Jorah Mormont appears before the Queen. Set post ADWD.

The Best Way to Forget by just_a_dram
Jorah waits for the day Dany will find an excuse to send him away once more. PWP (Set in the future after ADWD, a little spoilerish.)

Invulnerable by fifmeister
The weather is far from calm, and so is Ser Jorah.

theladylucilla writes TV-based:

An Inconvenient Truth
Protecting Daenerys has deadly consequences for Jorah and brings unexpected revelations for both.

The Road to QohorJorah has a ( ... )


fifmeister October 24 2011, 02:06:39 UTC
Ah, one step forward, two steps back. ;) Though really--I think I've said this before, but it's worth saying again--I love the slow-developing nature of this story. The eventual payoff is so much better if they have to work for it rather than just falling into each other's arms from the get-go, like too many romance stories--even some professionally written ones!

I also really like that Jorah really does want Dany to love him, and that he feels more for her than just simple lust because she's a hot young thing who looks like his ex. It seems like most dudes would rather just have sex whenever and in any way they can get it, so it's nice to see a little nobility every now and then. ;)


mrstater October 24 2011, 19:08:22 UTC
Ah, one step forward, two steps back.

This is such a recurring theme, it really ought to be the title of the fic, shouldn't it? If only that didn't make it sound like a country song!

I've had so many mixed reactions to this chapter--some saying they don't understand Dany flipping out at the end, others that they don't believe Jorah would turn down a chance at sex--so it's a big relief that you think it works for my Dany and Jorah in this fic. I think that's where the rub is, my versions of the characters are obviously affected by a complete change of circumstances, though I do think even book!Jorah has some honor in him where Dany is concerned, and understands how carefully he must tread. He's quite patient and doesn't push her, physically, after he proposes to her at the beginning of ASOS and she faffs around ignoring the issue completely!

Thanks, as always, for reading.

The eventual payoff is so much better if they have to work for it rather than just falling into each other's arms from the get-go, like too many romance ( ... )


just_a_dram October 25 2011, 04:03:13 UTC
He took a long drink, and his eyes met hers as he swallowed. "That there is precious little I wouldn't do for love."

Although Jaime claims there are no men like him. Only him. I think Jorah gives him a run for his money in terms of justifying bad moves by pulling the Love Card. Hey, I pushed that kid out the window, because I wuv you. They're very convincing though. I actually buy that their motivation was Love, but that just makes love sound like something you might be better off without.


mrstater October 25 2011, 12:21:12 UTC
There's this whole strange Jorah/Jaime (non-slashy) connection that intrigues me. They came to a draw in a tournament once, Jaime killed the father of the woman Jorah now loves and wants to put on the throne, and their approach to relationships is totally the same. I don't know where I'm going with that, except that I think it's very interesting and wonder if they'll all have some part to play together before the end--like when Tyrion gets them back to Westeros?

I actually buy that their motivation was Love, but that just makes love sound like something you might be better off without.

Seriously. In ASOIAF, I think you're better off with a politically-arranged marriage than actually getting with someone who "loves" you!


just_a_dram October 25 2011, 14:27:10 UTC
I don't know where I'm going with that, except that I think it's very interesting and wonder if they'll all have some part to play together before the end--like when Tyrion gets them back to Westeros?

I wonder if they will as well. Tyrion better get over his angst re: his brother. That's the only person that actually cares about him! If Tyrion and Dany and Jorah come riding back into Westeros and Tyrion has Jorah kill Jaime or Dany has her dragons roast him, I'm going to be one PO'ed fangirl.

Why do they have to cast them with such handsome men? While I shipped these characters pre-GoT, I was no where near this teenish about my infatuation.


aegisilfar October 25 2011, 16:02:19 UTC
If Tyrion and Dany and Jorah come riding back into Westeros and Tyrion has Jorah kill Jaime or Dany has her dragons roast him, I'm going to be one PO'ed fangirl.

My fave scenario re: Jaime is that by this point Brienne will have joined TeamDany, and that she will somehow convince Daenerys/Tyrion to spare Jaime.

I don't actually know what Tyrion would do re: Jaime. He seems to both hate and love Jaime and repeatedly puts him out of his mind in confusion. His feelings can be strongly contrasted to his thoughts about Cersei and Tywin of course which are unambiguously vile.

Why do they have to cast them with such handsome men? While I shipped these characters pre-GoT, I was no where near this teenish about my infatuation.
I KNOW right?? Fucking Jorah... I always liked the character and found him very sympathetic and interesting but the TV show... uuunnf.

Though I must admit that I didn't find Jaime/NCW as attractive as I expected to, but seeing pics of him with the beard... omgsohot. Bearded Jaime is just better.


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