Actually, I think they need to re-name this franchise to Sex-Men. Because they are sexy. Uncannily.
Obviously, I saw X-Men: First Class today and thoroughly enjoyed it. I mean, wow. Is it possible for there to be anything sexier on-screen than James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, and Hugh Jackman all at the same time? I submit that there is not. In the words of one X-Man, Oh my stars and garters!
Actually, I think the sexier scene was the one that involved James and Michael sans Hugh. Xavier and Magneto lying on a red velvet stripper bed, sipping cocktails and offering to show Angel theirs if she shows them hers? Girl be crazy to turn down an offer like that! Seriously, between that and Wolverine's cameo, I'm in grave danger of giggling at a totally inappropriate moment during tonight's choir concert.
As Mr. Tater and I geeked out about the movie over lunch afterward, I commented wasn't he glad he married the kind of woman who loves X-Men? He replied yes, he's a very lucky guy, and I couldn't resist adding, "Of course, it doesn't hurt that there's a lot of eye candy in those movies," to which he replied, "I don't even want to know." (Apparently he has not noticed my extreme enthusiasm to see any movie starring Mr. McAvoy.) Then he added, "There wasn't any eye candy for the guys," because, like Xavier, he doesn't really go for blue girls, and he also didn't think January Jones in lingerie was anything special. "Emma Frost should be way hotter," were his exact words. (Mr. Tater also doesn't think Kate Winslet is pretty, so I question his taste in women, in general; though I do it for him, so I guess that's reassuring in many ways?)
Back to the movie! Mr. Tater, avid comic book reader, thought the movie was great, too--as good as X2. I think I might actually like it better than X2, on a second viewing. James McAvoy fangirling aside, I had reservations about him as Professor X, but he proved me wrong. I thought he was absolutely nailed Xavier's naïveté, optimism, enthusiasm, mixture of gentleness with being a bit of an arrogant ass, and I loved his awkward geeky pickup lines and his vanity about his hair. (OMG, is James getting a little prematurely silver in front? I think he has a baby about the Tater Tot's age; that'll do it to ya! It's lovely on him.)
But good as James was, he really had to fight to keep my attention whenever he was onscreen with Michael Fassbender, who was, pardon the pun, absolutely magnetic as Magneto. I've always had a thing for a good villain (see my adoration of Sylar from Heroes), especially when that villain doesn't start out completely bad and actually justifies his POV with a great deal of sense. I have to say, if I were a Mutant faced with the choice of siding with Magneto or Xavier, I'd totally go with Magneto, lol. Michael had great chemistry with James and really made me believe that he regarded Xavier as a friend even when they completely disagreed with each other, especially in that scene on the beach when he accidentally wounds Xavier. And I loved seeing his kind sides, too, especially toward Mystique and Beast. (And yowza, I'm totally shipping Magneto/Mysique...why did they just kiss? Can we not get a superhero movie with some sex sometime? What a waste of hot actors!)
They did a good job developing Mystique as something beyond a convenient shape-shifter in this movie, too. Jennifer Lawrence really made me feel for her, and the relationship between Xavier and Magneto was really interesting, too; she had a great dynamic with both actors (of course she did, all three are crazy talented!) and I liked how she also wasn't as overtly seductive as in the other movies. I'm sure that will come in time, but her insecurity in her body was a good touch, I thought, and made so much sense why she connects with Magneto (humanizing him, as well, and adding a touch of irony that in many ways he's much more accepting than Xavier is).
All the characters were really well-done, I thought (with the exception of Kevin Bacon's toadies)--for once I actually cared about the other students/X-Men. Though I kept giggling at Banshee because he's a dead ringer for Ron Weasley!
In the old days, I'd have seen this movie again, but now we have to get a babysitter, I probably won't get to again till it's out on DVD. :( I also want there to be a sequel, like, right now, and I'm once again praying to the Marvel movie gods (would that be Thor?) that they don't screw up this franchise again when it's got so much potential for more great movies with this cast! Lots to test my patience, for sure! I might just have to write some fic in the meantime...
Now, anybody know where I can get some Sex-Men icons? :)