Title: A Life Worth Living, Chapter 4: Assets
MrsTaterFandom: Lark Rise to Candleford
Characters/Pairings: James Dowland, Sidney Dowland, Queenie Turrill, Pearl Pratt, Ruby Pratt, Minnie, Dorcas Lane, Clara Thompson (original character); James/Clara, past James/Dorcas
Rating: PG for innuendo
Format & Word Count: WIP, this chapter weighs in
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I'm sure if Dorcas had seen this James, we certainly wouldn't have had to sit through the last few episodes of the series as she'd probably have locked him in the post office for safe-keeping, lol. But then the whole point is that she didn't, and you've really show us here why she couldn't - which he's finally come to realise, most gloriously, for himself. In a way I think Dorcas brought out the worst in him: she almost became a prize to be obtained like his hotels and his wealth, and so he was always acting, always trying to impress, and always on edge with her. Yet with the bluntly honest Clara there's no need, he can be as straight-talking in return. There's no greater contrast than in the way he can tell her he loves her without prevarication, and she responds in a way Dorcas would never have done.
It's also very telling how his relationship with her is far simpler, and how it's brought him full circle with his past. I liked the line about Dorcas advising him to buy Sydney books, and that James has done what she asked but also got him a sleigh because that's exactly what he wanted and had as a boy himself. That it seems to lead to his breakthrough with Sydney is perfect, and so is the fact that Sydney really is his father's son underneath the barriers. (I'd love to see something like this in the next series, so if any producers are reading please take note.;))
The background details are so apt again, with them running hand in hand in the countryside to find a tree. Such simple pleasures, and so far from city life, and yet these really are part of his 'assets' which he's denied himself for so long.
Can't wait to read the next installment, this was such a treat. Twice over! ♥
It's funny, as much as I wanted James and Dorcas to get together all through this series, they never really had a moment of honesty or good communication between them, did they? I think you put it exactly right in describing Dorcas as a prize for James to rise to. Not that his attraction wasn't genuine, but surely there were a lot of other issues mixed up in his pursuit of all, not least of all that it was her father who set him on his way? I was just rewatching the first couple episodes from series two, and James tells Dorcas since he can't thank her father, he can thank her -- can't help but think there's an underlying meaning that he's made even more of a success of himself in the city than a man who acquired a forge and a post office, and that maybe Dorcas would be the one looking up to him and see him as the catch rather than the other way around. Not sure I'm really saying that right, but hopefully you know what I'm getting at! But I also think about what he told Queenie, that he'd come back because he wanted family (which he obviously didn't find with Celestia and apparently not with Sidney's mother), is far more revealing about what James is really after, and it's interesting, when Dorcas dropped so many hints (particularly in the episode where she was looking after Emma's baby) that she wants that, as well, that he couldn't come right out and say that. But I don't know if Dorcas, perhaps because of their past connection, is the kind of person James could really ever let his hair down with. At least not without coming to a better knowledge of himself and his motivations, which I'm very pleased you think comes across as a convincing route to self-knowledge as I've depicted it in these four chapters! (And of course I've done that by giving him a new girl, which makes it too bad for Dorcas! lol) But I think Dorcas needs to learn a bit of that for herself, as well? (Mr. Delafield could have helped so much...)
It was a little tricky dealing with a breakthrough off-stage, so I'm really pleased you think that's come through clearly even as James is simply telling Clara a story of what happened. For some reason slapstick seemed the way to go, because one of James' biggest hangups, IMO, is that he takes himself way too seriously, and as you said, fakes a lot for the sake of impressing people. Being a bit foolish, but seeing that Sidney could laugh and like him because he's seen something real from his father at last, also gave James a chance to choose to accept himself, flaws and all, as he hasn't really done, but which he's had done through Clara. (I also fancy that in the background Dorcas was starting to accept him, too, but that's just too bad. ;))
I'm rambling, so I'll stop and just say thank you so much for your lovely and thoughtful comments. It's a pleasure to share this fic with you!
Edited days later...
I'd love to see something like this in the next series, so if any producers are reading please take note.;)
Do you think if I sent this to the BBC they'd take it into consideration for the Christmas special? ;) If James does come back to Candleford and rekindle his romance with Dorcas, I'm not quite sure how I'll be able to adjust now, being quite attached to Clara, lol!
Seeing how contradictory the last three episodes of the series turned out to be, I would think they could use all the help they could get, and would be only too delighted to have this - most satisfying - way out of the pickle they got themselves into! And at least if he doesn't come back, we'll all know what his story was afterwards. ;)
Okay, so tell me where to send my fic!
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