The OTP Meme - Answers

Jan 20, 2009 10:31

As promised, here are the answers to yesterday's meme. With pics, because that seemed fun to me and I felt like wasting an hour today. ;)

1. Their romance became heated over vegetables.

Gilbert/Anne (Anne of Green Gables) - shimotsuki

2. When she was a little girl, he kept popping around naked.

Henry/Clare (The Time Traveler's Wife) - tdu000

3. What birth control?

Remus/Tonks (Harry Potter) - shimotsuki
An alarming number of you guessed Arthur/Molly on this one! I've never shipped Arthur/Molly, people! Especially not after I found out JK Rowling killed Remus and Tonks instead of Arthur!

4. He's afraid he's pregnant; she just wishes he'd shave.

Cazaril/Betriz (The Curse of Chalion) - shimotsuki
Several of you guessed R/T for this one, lol. Note it's the male who's afraid he's pregnant. Also, my Remus has no Merlin-awful 'stache. ;)

5. The way to a girl's heart is with a dead woman's shoes.

Sayid/Shannon (LOST) - jessickuh

6. Loincloths: the perfect wrestling gear.

Clearly I haven't been doing my Elf-Slash duty lately, since none of you got Dobby/Kreacher. gmweasley got the closest with Kreacher/Gollum, which is, perhaps, even more disturbing...

7. High kicks make their love life sparkle.

Sparkler/Fanny (Little Dorrit) - gilpin25
Not a Twilight clue! ;)

8. Men in flannel waistcoats do it longer.

Brandon/Marianne (Sense and Sensibility) - tdu000

9. Sometimes he thinks she exists only in his mind.

Gaius/Six (Battlestar Galactica) - buckbeakbabie

10. No angel.

Sylar/Elle (Heroes) - shimotsuki

11. Button, button, who's got the button?

Arthur/Amy (Little Dorrit) - katyhasclogs

12. She doesn't want to be a queen -- lucky for him, since he's not a king.

Faramir/Eowyn (Lord of the Rings) - tdu000

13. Wanna cure cancer? Make a baby!

Helo/Athena (Battlestar Galactica) - fifmeister

14. Even male sleeping beauties awaken with a kiss.
Ilvin/Ista (Paladin of Souls) - gilpin25

15. Brother and sister? No, indeed.

Mr. Knightley/Emma (Emma) - tdu000
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