Heroes Fic: Paternal Instinct

Oct 11, 2008 11:04

Title: Paternal Instinct
Author: MrsTater
Characters: Sylar, Noah, Unidentified Female Character
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 for mild sexuality
Format & Word Count: one-shot, 1892 words
Summary: Gabriel knows now that the power to give life to another is far more special than the power to take life for himself.
Author's Note: Episode 3.4, "I Am ( Read more... )

character: gabriel gray (sylar), character: elle bishop, pairing: sylar/elle, character: noah gray

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Comments 32

churched October 11 2008, 16:25:35 UTC
I read this on the Pit but opted to leave a review here instead simply because I detest the Pit. This was very good. Somehow, and I'm not sure how since we've only seen about ten minutes of Not!Sylar, I could almost hear Mr. Quinto saying his dialogue as you've written it.

I love the little callback to Virginia Gray--mainly because it was that episode that began my Sylar love and I've never been able to forgive the show for making my Sylar a Petrelli. Basically, I adore the whole piece! The prose was really well done and like I said, I could hear Sylar's voice in my head when I was reading.


mrstater October 11 2008, 20:48:55 UTC
Well thank you very much from wandering over here from the Pit. :) I'm thrilled you liked this little story -- it popped into my head right after I saw the episode and wouldn't leave me alone till I'd written it -- and I really appreciate you taking the time to leave such thoughtful feedback!

Voice is so key in fanfic, and not having written Sylar fic before, I was especially nervous about whether I'd managed to capture that! I'm with you on that backstory episode with Virginia being one that first gave Sylar a depth of humanity and even some sympathy -- though I must confess, I've only seen it the one time when it first aired, so I'm going to have to watch it again!

Anyway, I'm babbling, so I'll wrap up with a very big thank you for your lovely comments!


dana_serenity October 11 2008, 16:29:00 UTC
Ohh this is awesome! It makes me all mushy inside to see Sylar as a daddy!! I love the part with the pacifier and the part where you reveal that his wife has the scar on her head. This is extremely well written. Great work!

(I can has waffles now?)


mrstater October 11 2008, 20:52:34 UTC
I'm such a sucker for men with kids; that little flash forward in 3.4 was all it took to turn me into a Sylar fangirl, lol. Right after I saw the episode, this little plot bunny formed of Sylar having to deal with midnight feedings or diaper changes or whatever, and then as I started to explore how he'd deal with a baby and that struggle with his powers, the other ideas about the baby's mother expanded from there. I'm so pleased you liked it. Thanks very much for reading and commenting. :)

Enjoy your waffles. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

mrstater October 11 2008, 20:57:31 UTC
I'm so glad you popped online again and found this! I'd never thought about writing Heroes fic, but when I saw this episode the idea of Sylar as dad really captured my imagination. I wanted to build everything around what he said about controlling the hunger even though it's a struggle because of Noah, and I thought drawing in his extra-sensory kinds of powers would be a good way to show the effect fatherhood has on him. I'm so pleased you felt that worked, along with the vagueness of the mother! My personal theory is that Sylar and Elle are going to hook up, but as my theories are often wrong, I thought I'd play it safe and leave it open. But I wasn't sure that would really work, so it's great to know you liked that aspect of the fic.

Can't thank you enough for taking the time to say such thoughtful things! It's good to have other people to fangirl Sylar with. You enjoy those waffles. ;)


eriksselest October 11 2008, 21:05:52 UTC
This was an absolutely wonderful and sweet fic. ^.^ I loved the detail that you put in and how deeply you delved into Gabriel's thoughts.

So beautiful - I loved it!

(And waffles are very yum. XD )



mrstater October 11 2008, 22:15:37 UTC
I really enjoyed delving into Gabriel's brain (which probably doesn't speak very highly of me as a sane and moral individual?) and I'm pleased to know you found it an interesting read! Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment. :)


eriksselest October 11 2008, 22:26:47 UTC
Oh, no! I completely agree about delving into Gabriel's psyche. =D It's one of my favorite things to do, actually, when writing fanfiction (and I'd like to think that I am sane and moral as well xD).



mrstater October 11 2008, 22:33:30 UTC
Hee! I'm definitely looking forward to delving more! Hopefully this week's episode will prove inspiring. :)


ageless_aislynn October 11 2008, 21:12:32 UTC
Ooo, very, very nice! You slipped so convincingly into Gabriel's voice, I could see and hear it all quite easily. I love how you gave us a baby mama ;) with some character and depth without committing to a firm identity. Well done! I enjoyed it a lot!

I can haz Sylar waffles (and syrup, mustn't forget the syrup! ;) ), too? ;) ♥!


mrstater October 11 2008, 22:24:41 UTC
I was really hoping that even though this is my first try at Heroes fic, I'd mange to come close to sounding like Gabriel, so it's really encouraging to know you could hear him as you read! I'm so curious to see who turns out to be his baby mama; personally, I think it's Elle, but I didn't want to go anywhere firm in the hope that this might still work with whoever it's revealed to be. But in the meantime, I'm thrilled you feel the ambiguity works! Thanks so much for your lovely feedback. I'll send Sylar right over with the waffles, and extra syrup. ;)


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