Title: Between The Lines Part I/II
gilpin25 and
mrstaterRating & Warnings: T for mild innuendo
Word Count: 6966
Summary: Away on a solitary mission for the Order, Remus decides to send someone a ‘Wish you were here’ card. The consequences of which prove a lot more than both he and the recipient bargained for… Set during OotP.
Author's Note: We had
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The letter format is very cute and I really like the various cards and puns! LOL! I'm totally mooning over this Remus, especially the following lines:
I promise to step aside the minute I see Kirley or anyone else approaching to carry you off, but until then I assure you that I will easily be the most envied man in the room. Especially if you wear your hair that sunset pink.
Apart from the odd plate smashing incident we won’t mention because I still find it hard to believe my innocent remark made you jump so. No one should have a china pattern like that anyway.
Many times during this week I’ve wished you were here to see something with me, or laugh at something, and I wish it now most of all.
Sorry but I really could quote more, but then that'd be the whole fic and that seems a little excessive ;)
I loved all the little references to members of the "Phoenix Family" and various stories, especially the one about Sirius in McGonagall's dressing gown, could we perhaps get that as an outtake at some point ;)
This Tonks is cheeky and cute and all the things she should be and is clear why Remus finds he can talk to her. The banter between them is delightful and the build-up to the arrangement of the date is just fabulous, misunderstanding and everything, I love it.
And oh those couple of letters before and after Tonks' drunken missive (which was hilarious by the way) where I just wanted to squish Remus so tight. The hints of his underlying issues were very well blended into the format and it seemed natural that he would think and say those things at that point.
Anyway before this comment becomes an essay I'll just say I loved it and can't wait for more....plus that sticky toffee pudding looks delish!
Thanks so much for your comments about Tonks! I always love writing her, but found her particularly easy to channel as a girl getting letters from the lovely Remus. ;) Their banter and jokes were so much fun to write, that I'm very glad this is going to be a two-parter, and even more glad that you want it to be a two-parter, too! And of course we're both so pleased the underlying issues didn't get lost underneath the goat jokes and pics, because we neither one feel the issues should be too far away even in a romantic comedy!
Enjoy your sticky toffee pudding, which you've richly earned for these lovely comments. Thank you again, so much, from both of us. :)
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