For all you obsessive-compulsives out there...

Apr 25, 2008 08:59

JK Rowling desperately needs to tell us when Tonks' actual date-of-birth is! (And what her first Patronus was. And Remus' Patronus. Also, the color of his eyes, since Harry couldn't be bother to notice, even though he noticed everyone else's.) Tonks' age and the age gap between her and Remus keeps coming up in Masks and Mirrors and my various Transfigured Hearts revisions and outtakes, and in an effort to keep it consistent, I've had to thrash out dates.

First of all, I realized that I'd been operating under the assumption that Remus was born in 1959 and the Lexicon's little timeline that pegs Tonks as born in 1973 (since the Auror training program would have her first year at Hogwarts 1984), making them fourteen years apart. But DH showed us that Remus was a 1960 baby, so he can't be fourteen years older than Tonks.

And in fact, the Lexicon ignores the fact that Tonks could have been born anywhere from September, 1972 to August, 1973, and still start at Hogwarts in 1984. Which means, if I'm not doing JK Rowling math here (which is highly possible!), that as few as twelve years could be between Remus and Tonks. In the case of Transfigured Hearts, I've given Tonks a December birthday for a plot point, putting them at something like twelve years, eight-and-a-half months apart. (So, like a good little obsessive-compulsive, I've been going through all my revised versions of my fics and taking out any references to a fourteen-year and making sure I've got Tonks almost-twenty-three at the point of the story I'm up to.)

Twelve and some change seems a lot less than fourteen years, or is it just me? Siriusly, what's Remus going on about, "too old"?

Hope everyone's having a nice, non-obsessive Friday.
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