Title: Till Human Voices Wake Us (7/7)
MrsTaterRating & Warnings: R, for violent themes and sexuality
Prompts: Cauldron, Day of Discombobulation,
Image # 16, Angst and Horror
Word Count: 5359 in this part; 29,713 total
Summary: When Remus' mysterious work for the Order requires Tonks' assistance, feelings that run far deeper than comrades-at
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I always knew I wanted to do a werewolf transformation in this piece once the prompts inspired Wolfsbane Potion in a horror story, so I'm just thrilled to pieces you like it to this degree. I lived in fear of going over the top with it, because werewolf stuff is just not really in the realm of my experience! Or horror, for that matter. And that it inspired an emotional response is just the best I could hope for, especially as the characters' emotional arc is really at the heart of all this. I'm especially pleased you like my Tonks and her reaction to the werewolf, as I felt I was really walking a fine line there with her being terrified in front of him and yet the woman who don't care -- and I think the aspect of witnessing his agony made that the trickiest, so I'm just pleased as can be that that worked for you.
And of course I'm so pleased that Remus' courage comes through here. I'm glaring at that black-haired kid right along with you. ;)
But mostly I'm smiling from reading and re-reading this review. ;) Thank you, dear.
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