HP: Jumping the Broom (Chapter Index)

Aug 30, 2007 07:09

Last night I posted the conclusion to Jumping the Broom at rt_challenge. Enjoy!

Title: Jumping the Broom
Author: MrsTater
Format & Word Count: Chaptered Fic, 30,389 words
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 for language and paganism
Summary: Newly engaged to Remus, Tonks finds the path to the altar fraught with more complications than she imagined. Particularly in the way of friends and family...
Author's Note: A leap ahead in my Caring For Magical Creatures ficverse, in which Tonks meets Remus during Prisoner of Azkaban, this fic is set July, 1997 and was originally written for the August 2007 R/T Ficathon at rt_challenge for the "Choose Your Own Lyrics" prompt. You can find the lyrics to "Never-Ending Road", by Loreena McKennitt, in the first chapter.

1. Crossing the Threshhold

2. Hearth and Home

3. Leave Thy Father and Thy Mother

4. Right On Cue

5. Tying the Knot

character: nymphadora tonks, character: remus lupin, character: andromeda tonks, series: caring for magical creatures, character: ted tonks, fandom: harry potter, character: mad-eye moody, pairing: remus/tonks

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