Serpents Update

Jul 18, 2007 06:33

Not that anyone's still around to read this (I think my f-list are all in hiding from the evil spoilers!) but I've updated Serpents with what I think is the penultimate chapter. Now the question is: my chapters are averaging 10,000 words. Can Tater beat the clock and finish this fic?

Title: Serpents
Author: MrsTater
Rating & Warnings: R for sexuality
Prompts: weakness; "In the light of Voldemort's return, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided."
Word Count: WIP
Summary: Two years into a relationship with Remus, and the correct way to deal with full moons continues to elude Tonks, dredging up her insecurities and memories of painful past failures. Voldemort's attack on a fellow Order member puts everything into perspective for her...But will Remus see the light?
Author’s Notes: A leap into the future in the Caring For Magical Creatures universe, which I think should stand alone even if you've not read that fic, though the background might make more sense as it's a POA-era R/T romance. This chapter refers specifically to a one-shot written for that ficverse, entitled You Should Know..., which might be background you should know for some of the flashbacks.

Prologue: Judgment Day

1. Vicious Cycle

2. Up From the Grave

3. Between the Woman and the Serpent

4. In the Waiting Room

5. What Was and Is and Is To Come

And be sure, after you finish this one, to check out the many great fic and art entries at metamorfic_moon. It's a much better way to pass time than dodging spoilers or reading whatever version of book seven may or may not be floating around out there. You're guaranteed more Remus and Tonks, at any rate. ;)
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