HP: You Should Know...

Apr 04, 2007 11:14

Title: You Should Know...
Author: MrsTater
Rating: PG-13 for language and sexuality
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks
Format and Word Count: One-shot, 3435 words
Summary: Christmas is the time for holidays, but when she and Remus get away, she finds she can't take a holiday from letting him in on a secret.
Author's Note: Written for LadyBracknell, as per her ( Read more... )

character: nymphadora tonks, pairing: remus/tonks, character: remus lupin, series: caring for magical creatures, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 26

lady_bracknell April 4 2007, 16:50:35 UTC

I love it!

(please note the rest of this may be squee-induced rambling nonsense)

I really loved Tonks' internal monologue about how to say what she needs to, and her eventual dodging of actually having to say the words was priceless. Remus' reaction when he finally figures it out was delightfully melting, too - I think I have a bit of a crush on this Remus ;).

Thank you so so much. This has really made my week :D.


mrstater April 4 2007, 17:00:50 UTC
Yay! I'm so very glad you like! And thank you. :)

Doing Snidgets for the last Jumble was really fun, because I really felt like I'd hit on an interesting Tonks and a crush-worthy Remus that I really want to write lots more about. So I'm super pleased you found them both interesting and crushworthy!

Very, very happy to have pulled this off for you. Now you've passed the squee off to me.


wizardelfgirl April 4 2007, 17:20:40 UTC
"Saint Remus Of The Separate Twin Beds"

That so made my day, week, month...

Really adorable, the way Tonks finally blurts the whole thing out.


mrstater April 4 2007, 18:18:16 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for your comments. :)


drumher April 4 2007, 18:04:47 UTC
You've captured Tonk's feelings perfectly for this situation. I really felt for her as she agonized over trying to break the news and worried over Remus' reaction to it. It's just not something you can throw into any old conversation, is it?

Please tell me that on your extremely long "To Do" list is a ficlet in the Snidget Universe where they have the W-word discussion?


mrstater April 4 2007, 18:20:48 UTC
It was a dicey topic to write a fic around, but the Snidgets 'verse appealed to me because of what I've done with Tonks' inner voice, so I'm really pleased you felt that captured here feelings and made her sympathetic. Thanks for your lovely words! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Please tell me that on your extremely long "To Do" list is a ficlet in the Snidget Universe where they have the W-word discussion?

Absolutely. After I get Masks out of the way (which will be a while, LOL), I've got heaps of ideas for Snidgets verse to make it hopefully my totally canon-compliant R/T. I'm so glad you want to read more in it!


gilpin25 April 4 2007, 18:23:48 UTC
That was so lovely and well written; I, too, really felt for her and their conversations and actions were a great mixture of touching, funny and sexy.

All totally squeeworthy; not least, pony watching in the New Forest. I hope you've given godricgal lots of praise for her perfect choice of venue for this 'dirty' weekend, lol.

Lovely, lovely read. :)


mrstater April 4 2007, 18:40:30 UTC
Thank you very much! This was lots of fun to write, and I'm really getting addicted to this ficverse, so I'm really really pleased you deem it squeeworthy. :)

I hope you've given godricgal lots of praise for her perfect choice of venue for this 'dirty' weekend, lol.

OMG, she's been showing me links and pics of the pretty little ponies, and I just want to pack up and go live in New Forest! Lots of scope for the imagination there! She says she'll go around next week and take pictures, including baby ponies.

Thank you so much for your lovely words. :)


godricgal April 4 2007, 19:03:44 UTC
I absolutely love this "ficlet" (;)). I think you got everything spot on; the description of the house is lovely and I particularly enjoyed the part about Tonks being enthralled by the ponies (I can picture exactly where that happened, I'll take a piccy for you next week). I thought Tonks' internal struggle had just the right balance, and Remus' reaction to the news was just perfect. What a smooth character this Remus is! He's taking the younger girlfriend thing well in his stride. ;) Dead sexy, too...

Anyway, I think this is fantastic and I'm terribly excited to see what you're going to do with all the ideas you have for this 'verse.


mrstater April 4 2007, 20:59:04 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm so pleased you think I got the details right about the house (thanks to all your help in that department!) and that you thought Tonks' reactions work. It was tricky to gauge how Remus would react, so I'm glad you think he takes it well and stays sexy. ;)

Can't wait to see pics of this area to work into future Snidgets fics. ;)


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