HP: Rock You

Apr 25, 2006 17:09

Title: Rock You
Author: MrsTater
Format/Word Count: ficlet, 809
Rating: PG
Summary: A night out with Tonks, and Remus just hasn't got a thing to wear.
Author's Note: Written for the April 2006 rt_challenge for the prompt rock.

Rock You

"Shall I charm my hair green?" Remus asked as he towel-dried his dripping hair.

"Absolutely!" called Tonks from within the shower. "And you've got to spike it."

"Hm." As Remus wound the towel around his waist, he glanced at the mirror. Finding it steamy, he retrieved his wand from the counter and cleared the glass, then cast an Impervious Charm to keep it un-fogged whilst Tonks showered. His damp, greying hair stood on end. He supposed he ought to leave it that way, but force of habit compelled him to open the vanity drawer and take out his comb. "I believe my hair is rather too long for spikes."

Tonks head appeared from behind the shower curtain, and she wiped water from her eyes to study his reflection. "A ponytail would suit your face better anyway."

"It is rather too short for that, and you are dripping all over the floor."

"I'll cast a drying charm," she said saucily, then poked out her tongue before disappearing into the shower again.

"Shall I have a tattoo done?" Remus asked as he raked the comb through his hair.

"I don't fancy tattoos. You might pierce your ear, though."

"Is there a charm for that?" asked Remus, cringing at the thought of volunteering to have anything stabbed through his ear lobe. "I shall ask Bill to lend me one of his fangs."

"Yeah, that'll look cool."

"But what do I wear, Tonks?" He pumped shaving cream onto his palm and lathered his face. Briefly, he considered he ought to remain scruffy, but he took out his razor anyway. "I don't suppose the jumper Molly knit for my birthday is appropriate attire?"

Tonks' shriek of laughter was followed by a clunk on the floor of the shower.

"I assume since you are sniggering in there," said Remus, who continued shaving in unconcern, "that was not the sound of you slipping and bruising your cut bum?"

"Dropped my shampoo," said Tonks through giggles. "Though I appreciate you not observing that thunk wasn't heavy enough to be me. Your birthday jumper's got a Grindelow, hasn't it?"

"Mm-hm. If you had warned me, I would have requested Molly knit one specially for this occasion."

"While you're borrowing earrings from Bill," Tonks said, "you could ask one of the twins to lend you a dragon hide jacket."

"If I recall correctly," said Remus, "those jackets are the most lurid shade of green."

"So?" Tonks' bright voice echoed off the tiled walls as the shower shut off.

Remus stopped shaving to admire her as she stumbled, soaking wet, from the shower. It never occurred to him to scold her for drenching the floor. He was too taken with the way the beads of water glistened on her curves. Only when she'd pulled her towel around her body did he return to the discussion at hand.

"Won't a green jacket be too much green if my hair is green?" he asked.

"You don't have to wear your hair green." Cold air flooded the bathroom as Tonks opened the door and stepped into their bedroom. "Any daft colour will do. Now let's see how you're fixed for trousers…."

As Remus finished shaving, he heard bureau drawers opening and closing.

"Oh!" Tonks cried. "These old jeans of yours are perfect. Ragged and holey."

"Every other date," said Remus, emerging from the bathroom, "I have been ashamed to look like a vagrant, but now I shall look out of place if I do not look like one. We should have chosen this entertainment venue sooner."

Tonks, now clad in a black bra and knickers, snorted. "'Entertainment venue.' Be sure not to open your mouth all night, Remus. Everyone will know right off you're not one of us."

Tugging on his jeans, Remus said, "I shall restrict my speech to 'wotcher' and refrain from commenting that I appreciate the Shakespearean allusion in the band name."

Tonks threw back her head, and her mouth opened wide as her unladylike laugh rang out. Still, Remus found her unbelievably sexy, especially when she kissed him lazily and ruffled his hitherto neat hair.

"I love you, Remus Lupin," she said, "and I want you to go exactly as you are."

"Exactly?" He arched his brows at her as he reached into the wardrobe for a jumper. "Sans earring and with grey hair, and wearing a Molly Weasley-knit jumper?"

"Well, not exactly as you are."

Tonks morphed her hair into red and black spiked coif, then pulled a respectable pale blue t-shirt from the bureau and tossed it to him.

"Here. I bought you this."

Remus caught it and spread out the garment, and laughed loudly at the text emblazoned on the front:

Double, double, music and trouble
Fire burn, and Weird Sisters rumble.

character: nymphadora tonks, pairing: remus/tonks, character: remus lupin, fandom: harry potter

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