Title: From Bad To Worse
MrsTaterFormat/Word Count: double-drabble, 200
Rating: G
Summary: When a householdy spell goes wrong, the feelings between Remus and Tonks take a turn for the worse.
Author's Note: Written for the April 2006
rt_challenge, for the prompt: And out of the chaos a voice spoke: "Smile and be happy, for it can always be worse." And I smiled and I was happy, and it did get worse."
From Bad To Worse
"Cheer up, Tonks. It's all right," Remus Lupin says, softly and hoarsely as always.
To Tonks his mild voice is the only clear sound in the midst of the kitchen bedlam. He holds out his hand and pulls her up from the floor where she lay in a heap as the others scolded or laughed. Despite her fierce blushing, she's drawn in by his kind eyes, and finds her balance restored.
"There are certainly worse faults than clumsiness," Remus says. His smile is gentle and sweet, and his hand around hers makes her heat beat much quicker.
Tonks flashes a grin and whips out her wand. With a perfect reparo she mends the old Black china bowl that was shattered to bits by her fall. She looks up to Remus, sees approval, tries a scourgify on the spilt mashed potatoes.
The spell goes awry.
Molly shrieks, Sirius howls, and Tonks wishes to vanish; her gaze falls to the floor while she flushes.
But Remus doesn't laugh, nor does he dare to tease. He simply puts her blunder to rights. Then he touches her back, leans close, smiles, and whispers, "Cheer up."
She does-
-and her already huge crush gets worse.