Sep 19, 2006 06:36
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day to ye, arr! Shiver me timbers, I'm glad it's not Type Like a Pirate Day, because that would get annoyin'. Might make me tetchious, and force people to swab the poop deck and walk the plank, arr!
Though on second thought, if any of me hearty lasses be game to swab me poop deck, I'd be happy to employ yer serrrvices in me home.
(Err, the pirate lingo made that sound a mite...dirrrty. By serrrvices I really meant householdy chores.)
But in any case, be sure to check out me actual jourrrnal, as I've made it a bit thematic. If only I'd skulls and crossbones instead o' the flowerrrs.
I've anyone bothered to read through that jargon, I'd be obliged for some help with FictionAlley. It seems my fics aren't appearing on any of the new stories pages or the Google or LJ news feeds. Am I doing something wrong? My fics don't appear to be getting any hits, either, though now I can't seem to find the hit count feature.... (Does anyone else have the problem of losing things at FA?) Last week I pimped "Caught" on the appropriate character/ship boards, and I'm not whining because I haven't got any reviews there, honestly, I'm just concerned that something appears to be malfunctioning.