Unexpected things abound.
Today I had to go to the dermi to get a freckle checked (it looked sketchy to me, ok?). I have a whole lot, because those of us fortunate enough to be of Azorean decent, also happen to freckle A WHOLE LOT, even though we use like, SPF 9,000! This one I've had as long as I can remember, so I know it got darker because I like to keep an eye on these things. Turns out, even though the doc did a biopsy, she thinks it's harmless. BUT she didn't like the one next to my belly button, because it's a big dark circle. I think it looks boss, but she went ahead and shanked it anyway. :( Let me tell you, that numbing needle HURRRRRRTTTTT. So, now I have a couple of new scars to sport, which I guess is fine. Hopefully there's nothing wrong with either. I'll find out August fourth! The up side is, now I can make plenty of Pythonesque "flesh wound" jokes! I am going to ride that particular joke pony until I can't anymore! Hee!
We did learn something more serious though today. Our neighbor Mary, who survived breast cancer a couple years ago, just had a biopsy of her own done, and it's back. :( She has to have a double mastectomy, just to be safe, because it's come back even though there was only a ten percent chance. She's pretty bummed about it, and we're all upset for her sake. She does plan to have reconstructive surgery, but my heart goes out to her. I just hope everything works out this time. She goes in the 21st, if anyone would just like to send up a prayer or thought or anything to their respective god(s)/hero/spaghetti monsters. She's a good lady.
In the realm of good news, Britt's mom came home today! I haven't learned anything else yet, as I did not want to disturb her family today, but I'll ask Britt about everything tomorrow. Hopefully it's all turned out to be ok! It's just excellent that she's home. :)
The heat continues here. Yesterday, it reached over 100 degrees. All I know is, I had to spend 8 hours of that wearing a lab coat in a busy pharmacy with a clunker AC. Hopefully it's working better tomorrow, because I think we're getting another scorcher. Today was also hot, being in the mid-90s. These temps wouldn't be so bad, but for the humidity. I have LONG, curly, THICK hair that is VERY hard to put up or pull back in a way that doesn't give me a headache, so I wear it down everyday. I feel like there is a fur coat on my head the last few days. Oh, sweet, sweet November, wherefore art thou not here yet? ;)
Hope everyone had a good day and managed to stay cool! Hit the beach if you can! The water is still nice and cold!