Thy pure magic frees all others held in Custom's rigid rings

Sep 17, 2009 21:15

Life has been busy indeed. I'm usually more faithful in my postings! School has been going fairly well. It's nice to see all of my professors again. I say this because I only have two new ones, both of which are also very good. I must say, I've been very lucky with my professors so far. I've only had a couple that weren't more than fantastic. My classes are all good. I'm very excited to be working on an honors project with Doctor Crowley. I'm going to be doing a paper about Sir Philip Sidney's literary debt to Francesco Petrarca. They are two of my favorite poets EVER, and if you haven't read the Canzoniere (Petrarca) or Astrophel and Stella, then I HIGHLY recommend them! I can't wait to pick them up again!

I've also reached five months for my grandfather and my godkids are now seven months old. Both important things, but for different reasons. Yes, yes, you're probably sick of hearing about both subjects, especially the former, but you know something? I'M ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT. Just because it's a sad topic, I always get this vibe like "How are you bring up reality." Well, tough cookies, folks, because that is LIFE. C'EST LA VIE. Deal. And that's all I have to say on that. (Can you tell I have a crater sized chip on my shoulder lately? I'm surprised at the return of my gumption, myself. I think it's high time I got spunky.)

I haven't had as much time as I would like to set aside for reading Don's book. However, I am doing what I can, an am almost halfway through. So far, it is really, really, really, really, really, REALLY RIDICULOUSLY GOOD. It's an excellent story. I'm really excited to see how far he can take this thing! I've been doing more of my own writing too, naturally. Right now I'm working on Joey's farewell letter to Theresa, which should be hilarious AND poignant, which I find I am quite good at. I've also been kicking around a short story that I felt inspired to put down while watching Ted Kennedy's funeral. I'm working on it. I think it will be good. That's alright, then.

Back to my vacation narrative! I forgot last time to note that, before we made it to North Conway, we decided that A Familia Fontes was going to climb Mount Washington! Now, we didn't make it, but that was because the Auto Road, at FOUR THOUSAND FEET, becomes the Dirt Road from Hades. Now, we were in our big old Yukon, and we just didn't feel all that secure. If it was permissible to walk the last two thousand feet I would have done it. I've been to the Smokies, and I've hiked Cadillac Mountain in Maine. I've done a fourteen kilometer walk TWICE with only a 15 minute break. I think I could handle it. However, walking is not allowed without special permission, so we had to go back. Mai was having an anxiety attack anyway, since she hates heights. I suffer from the same problem. On the way down, we both had to partake of the lovely spirits we had purchased earlier that morning. Sorry Petrarca, but you will be the only one of us who gets to quote the classics atop a Mont Ventoux. Anyway, the next day we explored North Conway for awhile. We went out for some breakfast, and then we went to Zeb's General Store. They had mostly food items, so I only purchased some vintage gum (very tasty) and I got a Coke in the glass bottle out of a machine from 1952. It was ICE COLD AND GLORIOUS. We went on and checked out some of the other shops, but it was really just the usual: t-shirts, knick knacks, etc. Before we left town however, we went to the Christmas Loft! It has it's own Victorian Christmas village inside, and they even sell the classic, 19th century decorations and ornaments!!! Sadly, those were out of my price range, but a girl can dream. They also had a beautiful nutcracker in the likeness of Shakespeare. It was three hundred dollars. He had to stay behind. I did get a few lovely little things though, and then we were on our way. I'll have to talk about Castle in the Clouds next time though, since it's getting on in the evening, and my eyes are actually quite tired. Until next time, Faithful Reader.

godkids, shakes, christmas, spunk, grandpa, literary stuffs, writing, books, don, vacation, sidney

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