11th Doctor! (Some spoilers)

Apr 07, 2010 11:43


New Doctor Who... I finally watched it last night. And omg! Can I just say, I was very good about not having any high expectations about Matt Smith. Mostly because I didn't want to be disappointed (if you have no standards to meet, it's a lot easier to not be let down about not meeting them. ^_^) But Matt Smith was amazing! Karen Gillan, the new companion was fantastic, with just enough of that starry-eyed Rose-esque attitude to appreciate all the new and uniquie things, and enough of the tough-Donna-you-don't-scare-you-big-ugly-alien demeanor to make me want to hug her!

Now for the big spoil-y points!












I loved how they built on the fact that for being a Time Lord, the Doctor sure has a rubbish sense of time! Five minutes, indeed. Because, let's face it... engines phasing or not, the Doctor is rarely on time for whatever it is he thinks he's going to. Sometimes, he not only get the time or date wrong, but he could also end up on a completely different continent! So within the first 15 minutes of the episode, I was happy with Matt's performance already.

But then he said "Had some cowboys up in here" and I can admit, my breath caught in my throat and I may have started to tear up a bit. Because he said it so much like the 10th Doctor, but so completely on his own that it was amazing and beautiful, and proved that Matt's Doctor wasn't going to completely disregard the fact that his audience was familiar with the older Doctors (or at least 9 and 10). I was really worried that they were going to just pick up the story without reminding everyone of what came before.

I guess I need to trust Stephen Moffat more... it's just that after what RTD did to Ianto, I'm hesitant to let anything else get to me that way. But Moffat is not Russell T. Davies, and it shows. The entire qaulity of the episode was top-notch.

And speaking of top-notch... I have to agree with the Doctor's statement when he first sees the TARDIS after she's rebuilt herself. That is one sexy machine! They have taken enough of the TARDIS that we're all used to seeing (that being the gold, coral and honeycomb effect) and then they threw in enough of the classic feel. I LOVE THE TYPEWRITER! It was a fantastically classic piece, and it just made my day! ^_^ I don't know why that pleases me so much, but it's just wonderful.

*sigh* I should be working instead of squeeing over how awesome the first episode of the new series has been... even if I did get choked up and cry a little over it all. I was surprised at my own reaction to seeing a flash of David Tennant's face on the screen. It was like someone had sent a static shock through my heart. But then it passed in a minute, and the episode went on, the Doctor saved the world, and picked up a cute new companion all before the hour was out!

All in all, I'd say that Stephen Moffat is off to a kickin' start! GERONIMO!!!

doctor who, matt smith, reaction post

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