OH MY GOD YOU GUYS HAPPY NEW YEAR. We wound up greeting the new year dressed up pretty, drinking mimosas, and playing the most belligerent game of Go Fish ever. ♥
OH HAI, so Yuletide reveal!
I wrote a fic called
"Tomorrow, Christmas Day".
The fandom is Ellen Emerson White's "The President's Daughter" series, and it's futurefic with Meg and Preston. If that means anything to you, I do not know! So, there is that!
Also, I have RECS. They are not Yuletide recs, but they are AWESOME. Does that count?
lordessrenegade has written porn. Awesome, AMAZING porn.
come together. (right now. over me.) - Frank/Lyn-Z/Gerard(/Jamia); NC-17.
This is amazing. AMAZING. Hot and beautiful and the ending is possibly my favorite thing ever in the world. Seriously. No, seriously, read it, read it right fucking now. She has this effortless way of making things happen, and I will just never get over her writing. She is made of win.
You know what else is made of win? Her OTHER recent fic that she wrote for MEEEE.
pegging: (v.) requires a man - Frank/Jamia; self-explanatory
HOT. HOT HOT HOT. OMG. You guys, I want ALL THE FRANK/JAMIA PEGGING IN THE WORLD. This pegging right here is so blisteringly hot, I can't even explain it. Nnnnnnnnnrgggggggghh. &Jai;
And now I rec something by Not Jai! Instead, it is by
Life As If It's Real (Five Things) - (Lyn-Z; Lyn-Z/Gerard; Frank/Gerard; Lyn-Z/Jamia; Variants)
Anna has such an amazing way with words - her writing is evocative, and lyrical, and gorgeous, and presents such an amazing slice of life. It just throws you right into the story, and makes you want to curl up and live in it for a while. And this fic is so, so beautifully done. I want to never leave this world. ♥