The Red Carpet

Feb 24, 2013 15:41

I'm still around.
I just don't have anything to say.

It's the same dog-eat-dog-leapfrog-the-dog, and brush me daddio!

My health is declining.
My imagination as well- haven't written a thing for ages.
I hardly see my Sweet Baboo.
Have no money.
No job.
My back is about to go out...again.

Bills need to be paid.
House needs to be cleaned.
My dad needs to be cared for- he's 90 years old and in better shape than I am!

I'm just looking forward to a Good day.
That's all I need.
One. Good. Day.

I'm sure that everyone I root for on the Oscars won't win.
don't even know why I want to watch it.
I have no idea why The Family Guy is hosting.
Nothing makes sense in this world anymore.

I hope it's a good day tomorrow.
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