Dec 23, 2004 23:45
Well, I jsut got back from Ben's house. I can't believe i am writing a journal twice in one day! i never thought i would even write one a day....anyways, my parents picked me up at kylie's in our VERY cool pontiac aztek. i love that thing, every time i see it it brings a smile to my face. awww. anyways, we went home and i wsaa happy to here that we were actually doing something for a change, going to ben's house. So...we picked up Jessica aka Angie and went over. We got there and listened to some zeppelin and then we realized that our parents were kind of drunk so we went and watched them for a while. they were a hoot. Lee, ben's mom, kept telling me that i was "matching"....whatever that means. and my mom was really loud and laughed a lot. just when it was starting to get really fun my dad said we had to leave because he has to work in the morning...what can i say? hes a party pooper. so we left and on the way home my mom cranked franz ferdinand. Her and Angie were talking quite a bit because she was drunk and angie has the personality of a drunk pretty much all the time. we got home and my mom tripped on the stairs, and yet she still denys that she is drunk......right. and then i got into my pj's (woo woooo), grabbed the laptop and now here i am in my bed with my laptop, talking on msn.
and thats all she wrote....bitch.