am I losing my mind, or is lj?

Feb 18, 2014 14:14

So I think to myself, I am going to put up my 2013 fic in review post. Yes, even though it is February, and I finished and posted exactly three things, I am going to do it anyway, because it is just a thing one is supposed to do. And so I go looking for my 2012 fic in review post to copy and use as a template, and … it is not there! And for a few minutes I'm like, okay, I am losing my mind and just never did one, even though I really really really think I did. Except then I go look, and it is there on my dreamwidth journal - not crossposted, of course, because I rarely remember to login and post there instead of just starting here, but I do back up entries periodically. And hey, because I never actually clean out my fannish email inbox, I think to go an search and see if I got any lj comment notifications on it, and lo and behold, I did, so it *was* actually here on my journal at some point.

I'm giving you my very grumpy face, lj, because I do not think I have ever deleted a post in the history of ever. Only private locked them on a very rare occasion of posting regret, lol. Hmmmmm. Wonder if there was some server migration around then or something that went awry.

Now I'm going to have to post *two* years of fic roundups in February which is just ridiculous.

Anyway, hi there, flist. How's your Tuesday?


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