So hey, have you all seen Frozen? No? Well, you should. Just go. Now. You can do that, right? You all need a long lunch break or something. *nods*
Seriously, I have been trying to think how to explain why you should all go see this movie without basically spoiling the entire thing in several different ways, but I can't manage it. Which maybe is a ridiculous thing to care about, because at this point it's nearly impossible to avoid all the media about it. There are and have been a lot of opinions about this movie. But basically, I walked in with zero expectations - seriously, at Thanksgiving I was like, "Oh, wait, is that out already? I didn't realize." - and walked out madly in love. Easily my favorite of the non-Pixar Disney animated movies; possibly my favorite even including the Pixar movies, though I'll need to see it several more times to be sure think a little more about that. Have actually already seen it twice, and the last time I saw a Disney movie twice in the theater was Mulan, you guys. (Though tbh the last time I saw any movie twice in the theater was probably at least ten years ago, lol, so you can form your own opinion on that.)
Anyway. A++++, five stars, animation is beautiful, there are *two* princesses/female leads and for the record, yes, they pass the Bechdel test with flying colors, Idina Menzel you guys zomg, also here is
Alan Tudyk recording some of the dialogue for his part (video has minor spoilers but nothing really big) and how can you not love Alan Tudyk? Also Kristin Bell. And many other things which I can't talk about without the spoilers, and now we have come full circle to the beginning of this post.
Okay. There. Fangirly flailing done now. Move along, nothing to see here. *g*