You guys are for serious the best. If anyone happened to miss it, check out yesterday's
SG-1/Continuum celebration post for fic links (both old and new) and AFT and fanart and general squee-age. I won't list everything, but here are some new things people made for the occasion:
Don't miss this one because it just showed up this morning! :)
syxp dropped off a commentfic that's a really, really lovely Sam/Jack before-and-after bookend for the movie.
dieastra did
some seriously cute AFT of team SG-1 watching themselves in the Continuum movie. *g*
a-loquita wrote
this excellent post-Continuum Sam/Jack fic set up at Jack's cabin.
txduck made angsty but beautiful
Sam/Jack Continuum fanart.
Also, I am not going to complain if anyone feels moved to make more late entries ... lol. Y'all rock.