Numbered lists are my friend!

Mar 19, 2009 16:04

1) A couple of links I ran across on 50books_poc that I think might be of interest to some of you (if you haven't seen them already):

fox1013: Awesome Non-White Children's Lit: An Introduction

jadelennox: awesome children's and young adult books by authors of color and with characters of color

2) Whenever I actually get time to sit down and read (argh!) there are apparently tons of commentfics over at carnivalofsquee. Hooray! If there's any remote chance that anyone reading this has no idea what I'm talking about, go over here.

3) I shall begin tormenting you with garden pictures soon. I might not have, but ziparumpazoo said she wanted some, so I'm using her as an excuse. *g*

4) To whichever folk/folks were so very sweet as to nominate some of my fics for the SGFA, thank you so much! Seriously, that's amazingly kind of you.

5) On that subject, um ... I suspect this question is going to sound crashingly stupid no matter what the right answer is, but I really don't know. One of the fics that was nominated was this Cassie five things. In my head I think of this fic as gen, because it's not a romance, it's a character study and about Cassie's experience living on Earth - but she does get married (to some unnamed off-screen guy) and have (mostly off-screen) kids. So does that mean it's not? Helllllp.


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