Aug 13, 2010 15:11
So yeah I saw Inception a couple of days ago and it blew my fucking mind! I loved it so much! That's a truly amazing movie. I'm still not sure about the ending, but idec, it was so good. I've been browsing some fic(mostly the kink meme lulz) and it seems like this fandom overall is really talented. And I'm not the only one who came out shipping everyone with everyone. It's bad, this is supposed to be this epic movie that challenges you and really makes you think (it is), and it's apparently srsbsns, buuuut I just ship everyone. Lol self, way to be.
Yeah, so my dad finally fixed my computer, so I was super excited that I'd get to play The Sims again, so I spent so long installing the games, which had its own issues, and I go to play and it stops loading like right at the end of the loading bar. So I look up why it's doing that, and apparently it's the latest patch, so I unistall and reinstall without it. So I'm loading it up again, and I'm all happy, and then, right as it's about to go to the neighborhood, my computer restarts. I try again a few times, and it's the same thing. SO I look *that* up and it might be something about DEP or whatever, I didn't even know about that, but I do what it says online, but it didn't help. I tell my dad and it comes out that he didn't put the recently new video card in because there were "problems" or something. So I'm guessing that's the problem, but he's kinda slow in fixing it. Like he hasn't tried yet, at all. I know he's a busy guy, but maybe instead of "watching" golf while taking a nap, he could help me out a bit. I know The Sims isn't really a big deal, but I've been wanting to play it again for a while lol.
I'm bored out of my mind right now. Like I'm at the point where I'm getting sick of my friends and bored with summer. I kinda just wanna go back to school, even though it'll be crazy in the beginning with all the college stuff I have to do. I really just want to get out of high school. I'm ready to move on and go to college, meet new people, start fresh, everything. My senior year will be fun, and I don't want to skip it, but I'd rather be going away sooner. My top choice of schools right now is Boston University, which feaks me out. It's $50,000 a year. That's fucking insane. If I don't get serious scholarships I won't be able to go. I'm gonna try for the full-tuition one. I have the grades and I think you have to write an essay about your leadership or something, which I can do., but I'm afraid I won't get it. I could probably get the half-tuition one, but then there's room&board and everything else. I don't know, I just hoping for the full one. That would be too awesome for words. Now if I just figure out what to do for the rest of my life, I'd be set!
slash goggles? check!,
computer issues,
ahh college!,
bitching and moaning