(no subject)

Mar 30, 2010 20:46

So I went to visit Boston University (left on Sunday, took the tour and went home yesterday), and I was really impressed. I feel like going to school in a city would force me to be more independent, but Boston is much more managable than NYC. I wish BU wasn't so expensive. I think this year was someting like $51,000. That's insane! If I end up choosing this school I'm gonna have to work my ass off for scholarships. College is scary! :/

I'm getting over another damn cold, so I was walking around Boston in the rain for 3 hours yesterday while feeling like shit. I have my spring  break now and I can't even go out. My friends are hanging out today and I had to stay home, once again. Whatevs, I'm feeling better, so that's good.

This kid I know from school let me borrow a DS of his (he has more than 1!) and Pokemon Soul Silver, and it's amazing! I had Gold for Gameboy Color way back when and I loved it, so this is really fun. I'm stuck on Clair, though. Bitch with her Dragon Pokemon not having weakness to anything!

So I'm excited for Lost tonight! Last week was crazy, and I'm hoping this week continues to be epic. I don't even know who it's supposed to be about, whoops. I guess I'll find out soon!

pokemon, health/illness, lost, ahh college!

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