blah blah blah

Feb 17, 2010 17:27

So I'm on break this week! I've had a pretty relaxing, lazy time of it so far. I saw Percy Jackson on Friday with Mariel and my friend Frank. All of us sort of grew up with the books, so we were really excited. It was pretty awkward being the oldest people that didn't have kids of our own in the theater, but we still had fun. The movie was disappointing, but the bright side is seeing the fail of the movie made me 1)want to read the books again(probably not happening, but whatevs) and 2)I looked up fic. And found a lot of good shit! (even a kink they're kid's books!).

Tom was fucking ice climbing and skiing and is only coming home today. Of all my friends I'd want to see him the most. I'm getting a bit sick and tired of a certain friend's negativity and how she's so fucking critical of everything. UGH. And I'm hanging out with her tonight. I still love her, but being around her tends to put me on edge.

Lost last night was great! I can't really do a whole reaction; I'm a little out of it...watching movies all day does that to me. Crazy shit is happening and I'm loving it!Now for silly shit: Of Mice and Men references ftw, Sawyer,  I loooved that Locke and Helen are together again (but Locke's apparently on good terms with his father? Uh, whut?), and Ben as a history teacher in the AU? PERFECT! And my Ben/Locke-shipping heart was going crazy at that point, too xD

life, fangirling, ramblings, lost, percy jackson and the olympians, teenage bullshit, friends

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