(no subject)

Oct 11, 2009 00:09

So, I've been super-busy with school. I have a shitload of work, and physics sucks a lot. There was a test of multiple choice A.P. questions, and I'm expecting a pretty terrible grade. Everything else in this class so far has been surprisingly not-bad for me, but these questions are really hard. In my A.P. U.S. history class my (crazy, hilarious) teacher gives a quiz every day on the textbook reading from the night before, and I got two 0's in a row last week. He drops the lowest 5, but I still got really nervous. I read the textbook, but I just couldn't remember anything...I don't know, I was exhausted all week and I have no idea why.

I'm in jazz choir(my school's acapella group) again this year! I We're doing really awesome music: "Don't Stop Believin'"(the Glee version!), Billy Jean, We Will Rock You, etc. My chorus teacher, who also runs this, arranges it and it sounds amazing! He also arranged an acapella version of One Republic's "Apologize" for mixed choir (I'm in women's, but we sing with mixed and also sing our own stuff), and it sounds epic! He recorded himself doing all the parts and played it in class...oh my God, it's perfect (and he's not a terrible soprano,either,  LMAO). It's not difficult to sing, but with all the parts together it sounds so good!

I'm waking up early tomorrow to do a diabetes walk...it might be for awareness or research, I can't remember. I'm doing it for National Honor Society service credits, but my dad has diabetes, so it's something I actually care about. I just wish I didn't have to wake up so early! At least I'm walking with Erika and Tommy, so it'll be fun =]

Glee was so much better this week, which I was very happy about. I'm so fucking sick of Terri, though. UGH. The Office was beyond perfect, too. Hooray for Jim and Pam!

Sorry for rambling and squeeing, guys! How's eveyone been?

the office, ramblings, glee, well i'm a choir nerd, school, bitching and moaning, friends

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