Oh wow...

Sep 26, 2009 13:40

So I just saw that Eli Roth showed his parents and Christoph Waltz IB pornfic. Uhmm...whut? I find this hilarious, but it's kinda weirding me out, too XD I'm trying NOT to ship them, RPS is not my cup of tea, but damn it's like they're trying!

Anyway, I've been sick with a massive cold all week. I had to miss school on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'm pretty much caught up, thankfully. I came back to a physics test, which sucked, but it was pretty easy. I have a lab due on Tuesday, which I started working on today but got frustrated at and gave up on. I'll deal with that later (procrastination, yeah!).

My sister's home for the weekend! I'm happy =] We're going to the zoo or aquarium as a family on Sunday (because we're so cool), which is pretty exciting.

So, flist, I haven't been on in a while; how are you guys?

fangirling, health/illness, family, school

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