(no subject)

Sep 14, 2009 23:29

So today was my birthday, and it was extremely eh. I guess it didn't seem all that special since I celebrated it 3 times already(trip to Vegas in May, party with friends in August, and aunt and uncle came over on Saturday).

Today was my first day of lyrical EVER, and yeah, I suck. I can't do turns at all (even though I've been doing jazz since I was in the 5th grade!), and my sister, this girl Paige we know from school and are friendly with and I were "those girls" in the class: the ones that everyone else looks at and thinks "well, at least I'm better than them!" The teacher is new to the studio and is a total space cadet, too. She probably hates me since I took up so much class time failing at basic turns, and the three of us were talking and giggling while everyone else was freakishly quiet. I felt like such an idiot, though. Hopefully I can get better. Maybe it was the combination of not dancing all summer and being nervous about a new class, I don't know.

On my way out the door to go to dance I saw slugs mating. They were just hanging off the side of my house all curled up in each other. I saw a slug penis. It was fucking weird o_0

I finally chose/memorized a monologue! I'm doing Sam's from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers that happens right after Frode tries to kill him. I'm excited. It's a change for me and for the director to see from me; I've done 2 angry ones ("The Man" from School of Rock as a freshman and Bartlyby's "gonna go kill everyone now, kthnxbai" from Dogma last year) and a horrifically sad one about a violinist with MS in drama class(almost made the teacher cry; I was proud of myself!), so this tender, hopeful monolgue is something different.

Patrick Swayze died. WTF? It's really upsetting =[

I'm listening to Disney music to cheer myself up, which tends to work.

drama, death, theatre, life, dance, bio nerding, lotr, disney, ramblings

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