I'm exhausted. The shoes I wore today gave me intense blisters(eww, sorry, that's gross), which hurt all day and still hurt now, even after my shoes are off. I did my physics homeowrk, but was unable to finish 2 out of 4 questions, so I'm frustrated. I understood everything in class and got all of those problems right, but I think my AWESOME teacher(God, I really do not like him) likes to give homework questions about stuff he didn't go over at all(did it yesterday, too).
So, yesteday was a full T.V. night for me: America's Next Top Model, Glee, and Top Chef! I could only watch the first hour of ANTM(the boring part) since Glee was at 9, and it was...boring. Glee was really good, although the Rachel/Finn romance seemed a bit forced/sudden. Will reminds me so much of my chorus teacher(he dances around, is passionate about music/his students, etc.). It's awesome =] Top Chef was pretty good, too. Mike the Douchebag needs to leave. I wish he didn't cook so well! Mattin is my favorite, though. Adorable Frenchmen ftw!
I need to find a monolgue soon, ahaha. Procrastination! I'll look around at some, including
pinkcocktail's suggestion of Mad Men (THANK YOU!). So, how's the flist today?