
Jun 23, 2009 17:11

So I'm terribly sick again. My friend DID pass on his sickness to me. It started late Friday night when I got a terrible headache and my legs hurt, but I thought I was just tired. Then Saturday, when I had to perform in my acting class recital, I had a sore throat and fever, and missed my friend's barbeque. Sunday I was burning up, coughing like crazy, and I couldn't sleep. I was tired, but I would just wake up and wouldn't be able to sleep, and I kept getting the chills to the extreme. Yesterday I went to the doctor, and it turns out it's just a REALLY bad head cold. I thought I had the flu or something equally terrible. I'm feeling a bit better today, my fever's down, but my nose is stuffy and I'm coughing a lot. I had to take two Regents exams today. At least I have an excuse if I do badly. I really couldn't pick a worse time to be sick. Damn my terrible immune system!

I've been on a bit of a Batman kick lately...I tried to watch Dark Knight last night, but I had to sleep. The cartoon was on at 2:30 in the morning on Sunday, but I couldn't stay up long enough to watch it, and I woke up right before and right after it was on.

sick, life, ramblings, school

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