3rd district results and other rantings

Feb 18, 2004 09:23

Michael D'Amato (inc) 6,353 55%
Carole Wehner 2,783 24%
Benjamin Robert Goodhue 1,007 9%
Damien Jones 732 6%
Timothy Vertz 622 6%

Well, 732 votes isn't bad at all. The race was quite a learning experience, it was really tough at times. I spent most of December suffering from complications with Diabetes which resulted in a near death week long stay in the hospital(im doing pretty good now by the way) I sold my message to a lot of people which will carry over into other endeavors.

My thoughts on the two who remain:
It's tough for me, looking at the views of D'Amato and Wehner I can't back or vote for either of them. I will state this: even with his negative aspects D'Amato would do better the Wehner. Wehner has some very conservative views as well has not really having a clue as to what to do in office, money and landlord backing is what pushed her through. Even if Goodhue, Vertz, and I endorsed Wehner she would still lose unless something big happens. I know some of my supporters refuse to vote for her based on her answers at the debates. So what do the unhappy 3rd district voters do? Now I believe the things that Goodhue, Vertz, and I wanted to change can still happen if the people stay on D'Amato's case. He said he didn't have to respond to our positions in the debates, but as constiuents he has to listen us, and if he is as toxic as some claim then we will have to talk recall. If you aren't happy with his performance, now is the time to start pushing for change in the common council focus, and a more open dialog between student residents and homeowners through him. We can't let the 2% that make up the neighborhood associations run our district anymore!

Activism and political involvement for me will be just as prominent, just not focused on myself. I have a proposal that I will be bringing to MPS as soon as it is drafted. There are some other things I hope to bring to the city of Milwaukee as well. Also, I will be working on bringing the most lively vibrant convention to the '04 presidential race. That convention is the US Green Party national convention June 24-27. There we will be providing the country an alternative to the Republicrat duopoly, just looking at John Kerry is a reflection of how the top of the Dems are just as bought off as the GOP. Aside from the "anyone but Bush" mantra people need an alternative, and we will provide that. I must urge everyone to not choke democracy or waste their time talking up the spoiler myth.

So I say work for the good of humanity and and let the chips fall where they may.

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