Your result for Are You Obsessed With Harry Potter?...
Harry Potter Obsessed
64% Obsessed!
You are obsessed with Harry Potter and you are proud of it. You adore the books, have seen the movies a couple of times (even if you hated them) and own some of the merchendise. Your heart thumps a little louder when you hear the words; magic, Harry, or wizard. You visit a few internet sites regularly, and may have dabbled with fanfiction, however, you do have a life outside of Harry Potter. When your friends laugh at you and your Harry Potter posters you join in the joke, but you secretly wish that you could fly a broomstick.
Harry What? ~ You Like Harry Potter ~ Not Quite Obsessed .. But Close ~ Harry Potter Obsessed ~ Unnaturally Harry Potter Obsessed ~ Obsessive Harry Potter Disorder.
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