Feb 23, 2004 00:38
So very simple.
It's almost black and white, if that ever was, is now, or ever could be a state of being or possibility applicable to anything whatsoever.
Simple. So bald-headed, shit-eating simple, that it also comes off as pretty unforgiving, and something that wouldn't have much compassion or worth asociated with it or attached to it by wheat grass-chewing, bead counting, will-less and uncreative theoretical communist wash-ups, but they don't really understand the premise of Universal Love or Compassion now, do they?
So here it is:
Make the choice, accept the responsibility.
That applies further and deeper than is convenient to any of us, and exists as truth on levels we don't want to admit to.
Don't you dare fucking complain. Don't whine, don't think of telling me how unfair shit's getting or got, don't you ever think of giving me some weak-assed, sissy excuse why you can or can't do anything about it, or why action on your part is "hindered", "made difficult", or impossible". And don't ever, ever, EVER, let me even catch wind of you trying to make some sub-human, sub-generic last ditch effort to shirk the weight onto someone, something, some-how else. EVER.
It's yours; no-one else's, the choice, the original fork in the road, the divergence, the myraid, and you're sitting in your sad, pathetic, laughable, self-indulgent heap of soft, squishy, steaming feces because of the fork you took.
So dig the fork out of your ass, and dig the fuck in. Take a big fucking bite. If you don't like the taste, i don't want to hear about it. i'm not the fucking chef.
It's rude to talk with your mouth full anyways.