Graduation Party at bottom.

May 24, 2006 21:44

I just can't believe that with a four-hour band class and a crazy rehearsal my career as a high school student is over. I mean, I did go bowling afterwards with Gary, Michael, and Lloyd and we went to get Chinese food afterwards and they made me try sushi and I had to fight the gag-reflex and gulp it down with water so I had lots of fun today... I just can't believe I don't belong at Stony Point anymore. Like I still feel like I'm supposed to go there everyday and hang out in the band hall and not doing that is going to kill me. It's just totally insane in my mind that the end came this fast. Seriously- I'm graduating on Friday. That's only two days away. Not even, in two days I'll be well graduated and preparing to go to Project Graduation. It just feels like too much to grasp. It seems like only a week ago I was starting Junior year and realizing I was only half way through with high school. And now I am through. So I'd like to take a moment to highlight some great moments in high school (majority inside jokes):

Phfilburt, the rainbow hackysack, flying a-through the air! Whoosh!
"Just a day, just an ordinary day. Just trying to get by. Just a boy, just an ordinary boy but he was looking to the sky."
Duct tape saved my life!
"Matt, I am so sorry! *Laughs furiously* We'll get Phfilburt down! I'm so sorry... *still laughing*."
Playing at the symphony hall in Dallas.
"Number 2!" "Number 4!" "Number 1!"
"This is Veronica. What color boxers are you wearing? Blue? Sexy. Boring... but sexy." (Katie Ewing)
Bombing AP World History. Taking Regular US History.
"Is it hot in here? Or is it just Erwin?"
"Oh.... my! Gosh!... He's.... so .... *heaving* gorgeous!" (Thanks Marie!)
Hiding Kasey's Razor scooter during rehearsal and then laughing with Jose when he couldn't find it.
Being a squad leader for the first time. I loved Sophomore year.
"Hey Band!"
Going to New Orleans and eating Cajun food.
Yelling "Lloyd!" all short and in a weird voice with Jose.
Drawing Fat Tommy comics with Nikk and then getting caught during a rehearsal.
Joining Tiger Dancers.
Doing "Hey Band!" in a Tiger Dancer uniform.
Being a Low Reed squad leader with my "low reed" section.
Trying on a $250,000 ring at Tiffany's with some of my Tiger Dancer friends.
Winning all the awards at dance competitions.
Learning five different dances for Spring Show and having a blast doing all of them.
Quitting Tiger Dancers and getting to be a real band member again.
Talking to Louviere all summer about everything and making another great friend.
Summer Music Camp and making friends with my clarinets.
"You're perfect!" "You're perfect!" "So we're perfect together! Born to be forever dancing through life!"
Fighting with Ashley and Chelsea then laughing about it later when we realized we so won that argument.
Kidnapping my fellow squad leaders and then never going through with the freshman kidnapping.
Watching Ashley clutch onto her make-up bag and never putting on any make-up.
Seeing Saw 2 as my first Rated R movie without parents... with five 16 year-olds.
GETTING A ONE AT UIL and hugging everyone and getting picked up and spun at least ten times.
Watching Lloyd get drugged up on allergy medicine while Kasey and make fun of him when he gets hit in the head with a football. (Didn't Iffy throw that?)
Doing the Booty Drop and making my clarinets dance and smile.
Auditioning for Damn Yankees and making it.
Sardines at the lock-in. And Mat-ball.
The magician was beautiful.
Wearing a blue wig and white face paint and running around insanely and taking naps everywhere with Nikk.
Dancing with Matt.
"Wee Sing in Sillyville"
"Lonely for my Aimee!" "My sweet B!" "How really sweet I never knew! I never really knew!"
"You've gotta have heart!"
Falling in the middle of Heart Reprise and laughing so hard we couldn't finish the song very easily.
Dressing and dancing like a boy!
Posing as a band aid the whole year.
A million Chik-Fil-A Breakfasts with Walter.
Laughing at Lloyd's high F with Ashley and Robert and then trying to get on with ensemble rehearsal.
Getting a one at Solo & Ensemble.
Basketball just kept winning!
GETTING SWEEPSTAKES AT CONCERT UIL and being dumbfounded at how far we've come.
Sweepstakes in Full Orchestra.
Playing Wicked and Harry Potter!
Playing James Bond with Jenny in Dallas.
Dallas trip.
Playing Red Rover and Freeze Tag on the Grassy Knoll.
Not going to class at all.
Winning Best Smile second year in a row!
Winning Tiger Spirit Award with Jen.
$200 scholarship!
Louviere's slideshow was amazing.
Crying so hard it was unbelievable at the idea of having to leave.
And now I am leaving. It's been a great four years. Emphasis on this last one I guess. I'm going to miss you all so much.


FRIDAY, MAY 26TH AT MY HOUSE! 2:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Drop in and say HI!

2036 St. Andrews Dr. (Forest Creek)

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